Chapter 46

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"I am not your fiancé now let go of me!" I tried to break free but I couldn't as he moved in front of me.

"Looks like someone has gotten too smart with her mouth since she left!" I felt a sting across my cheek as he slapped me.

"Please just leave me alone I..." I wanted to kick him, I wanted to punch him. I was a wrestler for crying out loud I could defend myself but yet I just stood there staring.

"I am not leaving! Do you know how long I have been waiting to see my fiancé again? Stace you cant leave me again . I'm sorry for hitting you now, its just you do these things and..."

He shook his head franticly and looked at me, I felt the tears streaming down my face. I tried to move away but he pushed me back against the truck.

As soon as I was pushed I felt him being pulled off of me and when my eyes opened I saw Brock looking back and forth between me and him.

"Who the hell..." Eric said as he was busy getting up.

"YOU"I heard Eric's voice and I noticed the hesitation in his movements as Brock was already intimidating and those bruises which were on for display due to the light of the diner didn't make it any less scarier.

"Get in the car..." Brock whispered and I was about to when Eric gripped my arm.

"You are my fiancé Stacy ! I should've known once you went with your brother you would find yourself a rich famous guy to fuck!"

"Fiance?" Brock looked at me and I could see the hurt and confusion in his eyes.

"No! Brock its..."

"Yes Stacy is my fiancé buddy so I think you should be the one leaving"

I couldn't believe the way he was talking to Brock and I was afraid Brock would actually leave as he was pissed.

"Stacy?" he whispered to himself and then looked at me and then down at Eric's hand gripping my arm.

"YES MY STACY!!" Eric screamed and its as if Brock finally broke out of his confusion.

"Let her go..."

"What?" Eric laughed.

"Are you fucking deaf I said let her go cause she's not yours, SHE IS MINE!"

"She's my..."

"I don't see a fucking ring on her finger and she clearly doesn't want to be near you!"

"Listen tough guy you..."

Brock set the takeaway bag on the bonnet and pushed him down to the floor and punched him. He gripped Eric's long blonde hair and then pushed him away from the truck.

"If you ever come near her again I will fucking kill you!" Eric walked backwards glaring at me and him as he wiped the blood off his nose.

"Your fuck buddy will get tired of his whore and then whose gonna protect you then huh ? cause from what I've seen the big brother is too injured to do that!" he called out as he got into a car and sped off .

Brock looked around to see if anyone saw what happened I guess but the streets were pretty deserted since it was Thanksgiving.

"Brock I ..." I started but couldn't finish as I was still crying.

Brock finally looked into my eyes as I could see his anger behind his glare but I realized they weren't directed at me as his face immediately changed to concern but he didn't move towards me he simply took the bag and walked to his side.

"Get in the truck Ke... uhm just geet in..." he said as he probably didn't know what to call me and I did as he told me to.

My tears refused to stop falling and I wished they would. Brock stayed silent and I controlled my sobs so they wouldn't be audible as I looked out of the window...

"Dr I hope you understand that I want the utmost privacy for my sister no one sees her except me I don't care what the cost.." Seth said as he carried me in his arms.

"Have I ever failed you before?"

Seth glared at him.

"I was not on call I don't know how he got in..."

"Yeah well thanks to you not being on call my sister landed up back with that man again. This time I'm staying with her I took off work. So just fix her up." He nodded as Seth set me down on the bed.

"How you feeling sis?" Seth walked into my room as the doctor finished with me.

I had a cast around my arm, as well as a bandage around my stomach thanks to the cut.


"Its my fault he found you again..."

"Its mine, I forgot to lock the door when I went grocery shopping, you were on tour for the past 4 months how could you have known he was back?"

Seth shook his head, I hated that my brother blamed himself for everything when it was all my fault he was in our lives.

"I should've known when you hadn't called me and all I got were texts that he had your phone! But this is it we are fucking moving out of Chicago..."


"He knows you too well sis, he knows your routines and he wont stop. We'll move to New York you can get an apartment in the city where its busy so there will always be people. I'll just move into the house in Long Island I bought last year. You're going to work with me that's the only way I know he wont be able to get you. With this lifestyle there's no routines ..."

"I cant just..."

"You can and you will Stace.. I never want to see you like this again ever. You are broken , you are isolated I'm the only one in your life at this moment because that bastard is the reason you couldn't enjoy your life. You probably don't even know who Stacy is anymore but I plan on changing that. So you'll come with me and we'll have a fresh start.."

"Will that make you happy?"

"Yes Stace... this year has been hell , this back and forth is not good sis, so please?"

"Okay Seth..."

He kissed my forehead and smiled slightly I don't think either of us has been able to truly smile in months.

I felt someone wipe my cheeks and I realized it was Brock as I looked up and he had opened my door.

"I don't really carry any tissues around" he shrugged.

"My.. my bag.." I whispered and he immediately reached down at my feet to pick it up and as he set it back down had tissues in his hand.

He pulled on my legs as he turned me to him.

It was like déjà vu from the day we were driving to the airport from his farm and he accidently caused me to get hurt except this time he was taking care of a wound someone else caused intentionally.

I knew it wasn't a big cut but it hurt like one. He slowly wiped my eyes and then patted the cut gently.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora