How He Is When He's Sick (Requested)

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Requested by @jayriannabrooks358

Hakeem: He is very annoying when he's sick. Hakeem acts like a big baby (especially when it comes to taking medicine) and often times you end up babysitting him, causing you to almost always catch whatever he's got.

Andre: He is also very annoying when he's sick however, unlike Hakeem he doesn't accept the fact that he's even sick. Andre is a certified workaholic and will make up every excuse possible. He won't stop until you force him to go home and rest; even then you have to stay with him and make sure he does.

Jamal: He hates getting sick and even worse he hates getting you sick so he forces you to stay away when he's under the weather. He'll always tries to hide the fact that he is but come on you know him better than that. You often just go to CVS, buy him stuff and leave it at his doorstep to which he quickly texts you: Thank You, Love You

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