Suicide Pt. 2

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Never believe that suicide is the answer.

Stop thinking that purging and/or not eating will help you get through this.

Don't think that hurting yourself will help you feel better.

Any way you hurt yourself to get through this hell of a life does not help.

These things.

Will not help you in the long run.

You go through your shit of a life and try to work through it but it's so hard to leap over each obstacle, to dodge each problem.

And it's so difficult and so frustrating and you think that there's no other way.

But there are.

There are so many other ways.

These things will help you only for a little while. Until you go back and look at yourself and think that it's not enough. That you must purge some more, that you more cut some more lines, deeper.

But it does not help.

Hopefully, you'll one day realize this. Because it's true. I want you to know that it's true. And I want you to help yourself.

You can stop. One day at a time.

It's okay if you relapse.

You can try again.

Every day is a new day.

It's okay if you go to therapy.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, they're only trying to help you.

I'm begging you.

Stay safe.

Stay alive.

I love you.

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