Rewind (2)

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A/N: If you are a reading this and have not prayed Salaah, please do so NOW, as the story can wait, but time does not. Please read the dua at the end as it is for inspirational purposes. May Allah grant us all Jannah. Jazakallah

I didn't expect to see her again, and frankly, I didn't care. It wasn't as if I l lacked attention from girls, and I certainly wasn't craving for any. Not that I was hot or even close to that, I was ordinary, but I had managed to charm quite a few girls in high school, and I didn't want anything now.
Husna looked like the type of person that would just stand and listen to people, afraid to retaliate, and I would protect her if the circumstances called for it. Other than that, I had absolutely no interest in her whatsoever.

An ordinary Wednesday morning
"Beep, beep"

The shrill beeps of my alarm clock filled my room, and I awoke with a start. It was 3am, and the entire house was dead quiet. I loved this time of night, and made it a habit to read Tahajjud.

The only sound that could be heard was the mystical chirps of crickets and the occasional rustling of leaves. The moonlight streamed through my window, illuminating my Musallah (prayer mat) and filling my bedroom with noor only radiated from the beautiful al-qamr. I left the silent room and headed for the bathroom to perform Wudhu (ablution) in order to perform Ibadat.

I returned to the room, my head dripping with water and the droplets trickling down my face and onto my beard. I stood on my Musallah and began to pray to Allah. With every position I performed, my hunger and desire for a connection with Allah increased. All I wanted was a best friend in Allah, and to be the best Muslim I could be. I remained in Sujood for as long as I could, embracing the feeling of being at the foot of Allah's Arsh. I turned Salaam and lifted my hands in Dua (supplication). I poured my heart out to Allah, crying in desperation and in love. I prayed that Allah (swt) grant me a spouse soon, as I was 20 already. I prayed for forgiveness, for barakat and for a beautiful life in this world and the Aakhirah.

I picked up the Quran and began reciting my favourite Surah, Surah Rahman. I knew it off by heart, but reciting it with the words said by Allah in front of me created an indescribable feeling within me. The words just flowed, as did my tears. The beauty of this Surah along with its meaning affected me to such an extent that I could barely move. Reading this ayat touched my heart every single time, and I would recall my dream of stepping into Jannah hand in hand with my spouse, knowing that I was finally in the most beautiful place possible with the person I loved most. I recited the ayat over and over again... But for him who fears the standing before his Lord there shall be two gardens (Surah Rahman Ayat 46)

Reluctantly I closed my Quran and began to get ready for Fajr, followed by my morning job, and then Madrassa.

His dua: (a must read. Can be used for your daily personal supplication)

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