Chapter 32

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You woke to the felt of wanting throwing up so you got out of bed ran to the bathroom sat down on the floor put your arms on the toilet then the next thing you knew you threw up, when you threw up you heard the door open so you looked over at the door to see Aidan standing there with a worried look on his face so you smiled and when you did the next thing you knew you where throwing up again and Aidan was sitting next to you rubbing your back while holding your hair for you, after throwing up you stood up to only hear Aidan say

"Your having the day off"

As he said that you looked at him and said

"But I'm fine I really am"

With that he looked at you with a brow raised and said

"You just threw up twice might I add and for no reason, so yes you are having the day and don't worry Lenora will be with you I'll just tell Toby that you are sick and that you can't come in today"

"But i want you with me"

"I would love to stay really but Toby wants me Russell to help with the moving"

With that you walked up to him wrapped your arms around his chest and said

"I'm gonna miss you"

With that he hugged you back then kissed your head and said

"I'm gonna miss you to but tonight when I get home you can have me all to yourself"

As he said that you smiled then said

"I can't wait"

With that he smiled then pulled apart and said

"Wanna go for a shower or bath"


With that he walked up to the bathtub and stared making it so you walked in the room got out some clothes for Aidan and you then walked in the bathroom got undressed and joined your fiancée in the bathtub and rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes while he either played with your hair or made little pictures or shapes on your skin and took in his nice warm touch.

You sat in the bathtub with your head on Aidan's chest enjoying the touch of your skin and his sling touching and taking in the silence when all of a sudden you heard Aidan say

"Do you want kids"

As he said that you looked rested your hand on his chest and just played with his chest hair and when you did he smiled then said

"Do you want kids"

As he said that you sat up and said

"Well I was thinking about it but wouldn't it interfere with us playing on being human and all that"

As you said that he sat up straighter pulled you closer to him and made you sit in his lap and when he did he smiled then said

"I don't care I want a family with you, I love you Y/N and I would admit over the past few weeks I have been thinking about coming home and wanting to see a little you and a little me running around the house and wanting you to be the mother of my kids, I have never felt this way before but with you I know you are the one I want to be with and if having kids with you means giving up role as john Mitchell then yes that what I'll do, I love you and I want to start a family with you only if you want"

As he said that you smiled then wrapped yours around his neck and kissed him and you did he kissed you back so you pulled apart and said

"Do you really want a family"

"Yes and not just any family our family I want to see a beautiful little Y/H/C daughter with your beautiful Y/E/C running up to me and a little boy running up to me and calling me father and you being the mother of the children I don't care if my family won't like you I love you and only you so yes I really want a family with you"

As he said that you smiled then said

"Yes I really want a family as well"

With that he smiled then kissed you so you kissed back to only feel him pull and take you off his lap and say

"I have to go to work but I love you and I'll see you tonight when I get home"

With that he dried himself and got changed so you dried yourself then got changed and just walked him to the door kissed him goodbye then sat down on the lounge and waited for Lenora to come over so she can take care of you even though you feel fine.

Hey guys sorry if this is bad but please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes and comments on my other stories it means a lot, thank you so much and more happy news would be coming up in this story if you keep reading on but if you already know what's going on please don't spoil it for the others 😘😘✌🏻️

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