Quick Description

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This is a continuation of the characters from My Brother's Best Friend. This will sporadically follow their stories in the near & distant future.

This book won't have specified updates. I'll update whenever the inspiration strikes.

This book also won't be updated in chronological order. In one chapter, Jamie Lee can be a teenager, and then in the next she can be non-extistent. The order of the chapters isn't important, it's just continuing on with their story.

This book is part of a series. This is the fourth book in the series, the order is as follows:

1) My Brother's Best Friend

2) Jefferson Lake (Lee's Spin-Off)

3) Before There Was Us (MBBF Prequel)

4) And So It Continues

This book will contain multiple points of view. It can range from any character that was originally in My Brother's Best Friend & Jefferson Lake, such as:

-Emily Winston (Emily Adams)

-Parker Adams

-Lee Adams

-Naomi Clarke (Naomi Adams)

-Emmett Winston

-Jamie Lee Adams

-Theodore Adams

The name of the chapter will inform you what POV it's in. So be sure to pay attention.

This is dedicated to DarknessAndLight for the idea of a continuation story. I knew that I wasn't ready to let go of these characters, but I didn't want to write a sequel. I stumbled across her book "The Adventures of a Pumpkin and a Running Back Boy", a continuation story of her own following her story, and I knew that's how I wanted to continue on with my characters. So this story is inspired by hers.

And So It Continues (MBBF Sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora