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Welcome to the sequel to Breaking Black! If you have not read my first book, I suggest you take a look at it as many references and relationships will not make sense. Otherwise, this is going to be a Sirius Black love story about Sirius' wife (who he married before Azkaban). It will take place over the course of three years- from just before the summer of Harry Potter's third year (Prisoner of Azkaban) to the end of Order of the Phoenix.

This book will continue the "Sexi" love story, the Black family relationship, Sirius' life throughout the Harry Potter books (like his escape, relationship with Harry, etc.), and their involvement in the Second Wizarding War. Breaking Black does not necessarily need to be read for you to read this book, though, it just might be confusing. But drop a comment if it is and I'll try to help!

I would like to thank everyone who is returning here from Breaking Black. I'm sorry for the abrupt end, but it needed to be done. I just started this book so everyone could add it to their libraries for when I update. I will be taking a short hiatus now that Breaking Black is done and the Spinoff (Fifty Shades of Black) is in the process- but any updates you see on those books will be because I am editing them. I'll try to make a constant update schedule soon, but no promises just yet!

I love you all for checking out this book, if you're returning, a friend, or a new reader- I hope you enjoy this. I certainly love the story of Lexi and Sirius as the author, and I can only hope you do too.

As I once said in Breaking Black- "Let's begin our wild ride together..." (Again)


P.S. The chapters will (for the most part) have varying points of view. If there is not a header at the beginning of a section, it is from no ones point of view- like third person. For all other headers, they look like this:

<<<Alexandra Black>>>

P.P.S. There will be three books in this Sirius Black series- Stay tuned!

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