Chapter 35

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You sat on the lounge smiling and trying so to not cry but you couldn't help it so you allowed the tears to roll down your face and when they did you heard Aidan's car pull up so you stood up and looked at the door to only see Aidan walk in and when he did you walked up to him wrapped your arms around his neck to only feel him hug you back and to only hear him say

"Are you ok, Y/N what's wrong"

As he said that you pulled apart to see a crying you and when he saw he put on a sorry look then cupped your face in his hands and made his thumb wipe away the tears and when he did you closed your eyes and smiled to only hear Aidan say

"What's wrong"

As he said that you opened your eyes and said

"Nothing's wrong everything is perfect"

As you said that he put on a confusing look then said

"Whats going on"

As he said that you smiled then said

"Aidan turner get ready to allow one more Irish person in this family"

As you said that he put on a more confusing look then looked down at your stomach then back at you and said

"I'm a, I'm a"

Before he could finish the sentence he covered his face with his hands to stop him self from crying so you allowed the tears to fall down your cheek and when they did he walked up to you and pulled you in a hug and when he did you noticed he hugged you really tightly and you noticed that he was crying because you could feel his tears hitting your shoulder so you kissed his cheek then he said

"I'm a father"

As he said that you smiled and when you did you noticed that he hugged you tighter then he said

"I'm gonna be a father"

As he said that you smiled then just kept hugging him allowing the tears of joy running down your face knowing that you would be a mother knowing that you and Aidan are starting your family with this little angel that could either look like Aidan or you.

Aidan's pov
I stood there hugging Y/N the mother of my child my fiancée allowing the tears to fall down my face and taking in the whole thing of becoming a father when all of a sudden I felt myself pull away and when I did I cupped Y/N face and crashed my lips with hers and when I did she wrapped her arms around my neck then kissed me so I pulled her closer to me and made sure there was no gaps left and when I did I pulled apart and said

"I'm gonna be father"

With that she smiled then said

"Yes you are"

When she said that I rested my head on her shoulder and just cried on to it knowing that I have a little one on the way, knowing that I'm having a family with the one I love and that I'm marrying her soon.

As I was crying I heard a car pull up and I heard Russell saying mine and Y/N name so I pulled apart and walked out to see him walking up to me and when he saw me he put on an apologetic look then said

"What's wrong Aidan"

As he said that I smiled then said

"I'm gonna be father, Russell I'm father"

As I said that he pulled me in a hug and said

"Oh my goodness congrats man"

With that I pulled apart then we both walked in to see Y/N standing over in the kitchen pouring us some juice so Russell walked over to her pulled her in a hug and said

"Congratulations Y/N I'm so proud of you"

With that she smiled then said

"Well Aidan helped"

As she said that we all let out a laugh and when I did I walked up to her wrapped my arms around her pulled her closer to me and said

"I promise I will be the best daddy there is and I promise I will never walk out on you and just leave you to raise this kids by yourself I said I'm staying with you through it all and that's what im gonna do"

As I said that she smiled then kissed me so I kissed her back then we pulled and me, Russell, Lenora and Y/N walked in the lounge room and just started talking about the wedding and what we would name the baby.

Hey guys I hope you like that chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes on my other stories and this one it's means a lot, thank you so much 😘😘✌🏻️

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