Chapter 37

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You woke to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes cooking so you looked beside you to see that Aidan wasn't there so you picked up one of his shirts then put in on then walked down stairs to see him standing in front of the stove with his bare back facing you so you smiled then walked over to him kissed his shoulder to have him turn around and kiss you and when he did you felt him smiling so you pulled apart and said

"Why are you so happy"

As you said that he grabbed you by the waist pulled you closer and said

"How can I not be happy im getting married to the love of my life plus having a baby with her so how can I not be happy"

As he said this you smiled then placed his arms around his neck and kissed him to only have him pull apart and say

"Breakfast is burning"

With that you laughed walked over to the fridge pulled out some juice then walked over to the cupboard pulled out two cups poured you and Aidan a glass of juice then walked over to the table to see a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes so you smiled sat down and started eating, while you where eating you said

"I'm gonna have to start to eat healthy"

When you said that Mitchell looked at you and said

"True you are but you don't have up work out I mean look at you your figure is perfect and I'm not just saying that because we have sex like nearly every night but because it is, your prefect and I can't wait till this beautiful baby comes out and either looks like her beautiful mum with her beautiful Y/H/C hair or looks like me"

As he said that you smiled then walked over to him sat on his lap and said

"How on earth did we fall in love"

As you said that he smiled then said

"Well I know how I fell for you"


With that he smiled then said

"Remember first day filming when we had to do that kissing scene"

When he said that you smiled then placed your head on his shoulder and said

"Yes that was so embracing"

"But how"

"Because I haven't kissed anyone apart from you and I'm like 23"

When you said that he laughed then said

"It's cute well I think it is but yea that's when I fell for you and at the outback place remember that"

"Yes that was so beautiful"

"Yea well that when I knew that I wanted to be with you forever"

As he said you smiled then said

"Well the time I fell for you would've been the kiss I would admit the kiss brought a little spark in me saying fall for Aidan"

As you said that he let out a laugh and said

"Haha wow when I kissed you I fell for you straight away"

With that you smiled then said

"No but the time that I really knew that you where one of me was at the beach and the time when crystal made me cry because no other guy or anyone would stick around like you did even though I was like crying for like nearly a week and when I broke up with you, you still loved me even though I basically kicked you out of my life"

"You where upset and scared and I'm sorry for saying that you flirting I was just stressed about the whole crystal thing and the lines and"

Before he could finish the sentence you crashed your lips with his to only feel him pull you closer and to only feel his hands move down your body so you smiled and when you did he pulled apart and said

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