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I groaned as I opened my eyes. My head was spinning and I felt nauseous. I carefully sat up and saw the woman that was Damon's with, I forgot her name, tied to a chair.

"Emma." I yelled, catching her attention.

She looked at me, rolling her eyes. "It's Elena."

"Sorry, my memory is horrible." I shrugged. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. "Where are we?" I realised that I wasn't tied to a chair so I stood up.

"How come he didn't tie you?" Elena wondered, I raised a brow.

"Who didn't?"

"Me." My feet literally left the ground in fear, when I felt arms around me and a voice I never thought I would hear again. "Calm down Ri."

"Kai?" I asked, turning around to face him. He grinned and I hugged him. "How are you here?"

"Magic." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I was glad he was back, he was my friend.

"Wait you two are together?" Elena asked, appearing completely bewildered by this.

I shook my head. "No we're just fri-"

"Yep." Kai interrupted me. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. He hummed and kissed my cheek.

"We aren't together." I repeated, stepping out his grasp. "He's my just my friend."

Elena nodded. "Good."

I frowned. "Why is that good?"

She gave me a look. "Riley, he's a psychopath."

"And he's also my friend."

"He's not your friend, Riley." Elena told me. "He's using you for his own-"

Elena didn't get to finish her sentence because her neck snapped. I looked back at Kai, who shrugged. "Her voice was starting to annoy me."

I stared at him. "You're not using me are you?"

Kai sighed and held my shoulders. "Ri, we're friends. We don't use each other, unless to relieve sexual-"

I shoved his shoulder and he laughed. I smiled. "I'm glad you're back." I said. "I have so much to tell you."

"I'm all ears." We both sat down and looked at one another.

I took a deep breath then told Kai, what the Salvatore's had told me. "So yeah, that's me." I finished and waited for his reaction. Kai nodded and ran his hand through his hair.


"Alright, that's it?" I asked. Kai nodded. "But I don't know what to do with this information."

"Well you shouldn't wake him up."

I frowned. "Why not?"

Kai winked. "I don't like competition." I shook my head and shoved his arm. He chuckled. "Can I have some magic?"

"Didn't you just have magic?"


I rolled my eyes. "How did you get that magic?"

Kai chuckled. "Crazy thing, there was so much magic in the ground of Mystic Falls and-"

"You sucked it all up."

He winked. "Of course." He replied. "But I used quiet a bit of it, getting you and Elena here."

"You could've just asked me here."

Kai shrugged. "That would ruined the surprise." I just laughed.

"Can you even siphon magic from me?"

Stuck With Him: Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now