We are not Breaking up!

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It's been a week since I haven't seen Chris or Justin. I mostly have been spending time with my biological family with Julianna. It was Wednesday which is Family game night over at my dad's house. I invite Princeton and Justin to come and join my family and I to play but Justin always refused to come. Ever since last week we haven't really talked. The only times I talked to him was by force because of our Photo shoot for our clothing line. But with Princeton, every time we would talk, we would argue and sometimes I would have to leave the house and cool off. I would run to Kendall and Kylie's condo. "So which game are we playing tonight?" Asked dad as he looked through the game pile. "We got, Monopoly, Trouble, Clue."

"Can we just watch a movie instead?" I asked him.

"It's Wednesday, We always have family game night on Wednesday, and Saturday is the movie night." Said my mom.

"Can we change it up or something? I'm bored of playing Monopoly and losing to Dad. Mom he rubs the money in my face." I told her.

"He doesn't." She said hugging me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Alright Monopoly after Dinner because the Chinese food has arrived." Said Dad holding the Chinese food in the air. We all cheered and walked to the dinning. We said grace and self-served ourselves.

We all finished eating. The maid cleaned up our plates and we walked over to the living room. We all got down on our knees around the coffee table and started playing monopoly.

We finished the game in 2 hours. The longest monopoly game we have ever had. Once again my dad won and started throwing his monopoly money in my face. "One day, I will beat you." I said grabbing all the money and throwing it into his face. He picked me up over the shoulder and started turning around his circles. I couldn't stop laughing, I was scared but amused. He set me down after a couple of turns.

"Alright, I have to go over Khloe's house because Kim and Kylie are over and Kim and Khloe wanted to Kylie and me." I told them.

"Alright it was fun beating you again." said my dad. I rolled my eyes and started punching his chest as hard as possible. He felt nothing, everything I would try harder and harder. He would just tell me I'm week and hurt my feelings. I'm kidding don't worry. I hugged my mom and she kissed my forehead. I then went over to hug my dad and he did the same thing. Princeton, Julianna and I walked out of the house and into my Range Rover. I drove over to Khloe's house, gave the keys to Princeton and I'm guessing he drove back home. I was quite nervous because the text from Kylie said 'S.O.S The Kardashian sisters are killing me'. I opened the front door and saw Lamar walked downstairs.

"Bieber's here!" He yelled and lifted me up also over the shoulder. He walked towards the kitchen where everyone was. He threw me on the couch and I looked at him like he was crazy. I got up, fixed my hair and outfit and punch his shoulder as I sat on the chair.

"Okay, so what is up with you guys alienating Justin?" asked Khloe as she took a bite into an apple 

"Kylie, Go first because I can scare the answer out of you." Said Kim.

"No, I always say, 'let's invite Justin, Let's invite Justin' but when we do, He says no. So we just stopped inviting her.

"He says no all the time, or makes us all leave early when we aren't done eating because he's bored of sitting around a table not trying to start a conversation with us or anything." I told Khloe and Kim.

"That's understandable." Said Kim.

"He's seriously no fun to hang out with anymore. Like we used to be so close and now. We are more distanced than ever." I said kind of sad. I shook it off and looked at Kylie, "can we leave? I'm bored and tired." I asked.

Life Unexpected. *Sequel to Kamil Bieber*Where stories live. Discover now