Chapter One

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Thesunrise was slowly working it's way up the sky just like I wasgetting out of bed. I lay there like a stone tired since I didn't getany sleep last night,Tye broke up with yet another boyfriend and theywhere yelling all night long. Michael even though he seems manly wasscared and came to my room to sleep. I do not blame him that is whathappen in our foster home and it was a lot more violent there thenwith Tye. After what felt like years I finally got up and got readylooking at Mike then headed to Tye who was in the kitchen makingbreakfast. "He is to stay home today no if and or buts about it"I said as Tye nods "I'm sorry I need to keep in mind that you guyshave been around a lot of violent people and it started withfighting."

hesaid looking at me then the eggs and bacon that sizzled in the pan onthe stove. "We all do but we also have to get back to normal." Isaid grabbing some juice "Well we will get there you guys just gotback a month ago." Tye said serving the food, I sit down lookingthrough the news paper seeing nothing to important until I come to acertain page. "Tye that is Ashley" I said looking at thegirl who was pulled out from a foster home she was almost drowned todeath. "They say that the child is removed from the house justfor safety of the other children ....they say that Ashley wassuicidal and could harm the others ....she was never once suicidal !!" I yelled upset.

Ashleyis 16 same age as Michael. Her parents didn't treat her right at all.She was put into the house a month before we where and she was theone to help us around. The foster parents hated her attitude towardslife and how she was an independent person.They forced her into a lot of those girly contest things just forthey could get money but it only goes to the kid and Ashley was smartand put it in an account using her case worker's name so they had nochance at touching it and she could save for collage but thecaseworker said that if Ashley died before then they will get themoney to help the other kids so they had been trying to kill her offever since. all though she is now safe and out of there because oftheir fake report to the police she will not get adopted and willhave to live in a stupid group home.

AsI finished eating Michael was awake and walk out to the kitchen injust his pj bottoms his hand runs throw his short spiked dirt blondhair. "Good morn'" Tye said placing Michael's plate in front ofhim as Michael sits down. "off again?" Michael asked as I nod"Not worry we discuss it with the case worker they understand thesituation." Tye said as Michael nods understanding it himself. "Iwill be back later" I said rubbing Michael's head as I head out thedoor and onto the bus sitting back and closing my eyes as I slowlyfall asleep.

"RUN!"I heard from a distance as I was running my chest was shooting painacross my hole body. I kept looking back worried that something wasbehind me whe suddenly I ran face firstinto a wall. after a few minutes I come to it and finally wake up Ilook around and I am in a 70's looking room. The basement at thefoster home was where I was and I didn't like it. I tried to get upbut I couldn't I was strapped down, I heard a noise to my left and asI look to my left I Ashley "No!" I said when suddenlya gun went off hitting Ashley dead in the center of her head.

Iwake up to the sudden ring of the bell marking the end of the lastperiod breathing heavy as I wipe the sweat off of my forehead. "Don'tforget to get your homework written down it is on the broad it willbe due on Monday when we get back." Everyone gets up and startsshuffling down the hall as I write down the home work as the teacherwalks up to me. "You okay Jackson ? You seem a bit out of it." Hesaid with a concerned look on his face. "Ya I am fine just gettinguse to being back with my brother" I said and he nods letting me goon my way. I head out to the bus got on and sat there blasting mymusic through my head phones.


Shewalked around the halls looking around as she was following one ofthe other travelers knowing they where up to no good being in theworld gate. She sighs thinking he was going to try and bring somemore people on to the wrong side. she sighs as she watches him get onthe bus she stops standing right outside the bus and watches seeingwho he was after. she gulps and heads back to the headquarters andlooks through all the humans on the broadwhen one jumpedup at her. "Bingo" She said looking at the file "JacksonHill 17 years old lives with his older brother middle child presentat parents death" thefile said as she looked through it. "Why why is he after himdam kid has been through enough" She sat there thinking itthrough.

Aftera few minutes later she clicked in. "Tye" she said lookingthrough the file of team members "Ah ha!" she saidputting the file down and ran to the leader. "Dad! Bad travelersare planing an attack on a human boy......he needshelp!!.....Amanda's brother......" She said out of breath as theleader looks at her. "Bella calm down tell me what is going on "She breaths then sits next to him ."His name is Jackson Hill heis 17 he had contact with Amanda in the world gate, she ended upfalling for him and he rejected her cause he was not in a safeenvironment at the time well that broke herheart which got Antonio mad so he sent a traveler out there to hurthim to show him a lesson " she said breathing in and out.

Theleader nods "Well you will just have to go out there and protecthim and get him ready." He said sitting back with his feet onthe table as she looked shocked and couldn't breath like someone hadjust stabbed her in the back. "But dad I am not ready for thatyou said so yourself !" She said a bit panicked. "You willhave help so you will be fine" he said patting her on the headas he heads out of the room leaving her standing there clueless. Shesat down trying to think as to how she was going to pull this off. "Iwill just have to try my best." She said as she headed out ofthe office and headed home.

// Sorry for the long wait had a lot going on right at the moment. I am going to be also moving at the end of February and well i been packing. any ways I will be 17 on sunday so yay!  hope you are enjoying to book :D - MADFOX XOXOXO

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