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Stephen nods at my words, sifting through them for a deeper meaning. The way his eyebrows crinkle and the type of focus in his eyes say it all.

"Really, I think it's all good for now," I say cryptically. Being so secretive is exhausting, but it's not like I have a choice in the matter. Can't be caught red-handed being a government disloyalist. At least not yet.

The clicking of a crisp bell sounds from the arched doorway. I twist around in my seat as a woman dressed in red parades across the banquet room. I bite my lips together as she walks with superiority. Her redness contrasts the golden room like blood dripping from a wound.

Slowly, woman crosses the room, a section of the floor rises to form a circular stage. She climbs up the steps with ease.

"Welcome to the Equinox banquet," the women says, stepping forward on the stage. "On behalf of the nation, the Equinox team thanks you for your participation and cooperation in the tasks."

An air of mild confusion hangs over the crowd. I glance around. Most teens look slightly perplexed while others listen carefully. As for me, I know I look skeptical and out-of-place.

The Equinox lady takes a breath. "You're likely confused about what the Equinox is about, and of course I'll be revealing all those details throughout the night. For now, the nation would love to treat you with an elegant banquet to applaud your hard work and effort in the tasks."

The center of each table begins to rise, just like the lady's stage. The centerpiece forms a dome-like shape before swishing open slowly and folding itself away.

A-plus for the effects, I think to myself, fixing my dress. Quite the opening performance before the real action begins.

I resist the urge to be too startled as the food reveals itself. Items of every color and texture fill a large plate. Steam rolls off some of the food while the rest looks chilled like ice.

"I warn you, all the food tastes wonderful," the woman interjects from her stage. "Unnecessary and exuberant on most days, but perfect for the honor of tonight."

The woman steps off the stage as the chatter of voices claims the air. I turn my eyes towards Stephen again.

"I mean, it's food, and I'm hungry," I tell him.

Stephen smiles, then chuckles under his breath. Soon I'm smiling and covering my face with my hands.

"My gosh, Stephen, it's not that funny!" I say. The lightness feels good, like the relationship Stephen and I should have been building for a long time.

Stephen raises his eyebrows at me, and I smile even wider. Then I give him a taunting look and grab a plate of food from the center of the table.

Stephen scoots his chair closer to mine, resting his crossed arms and chin on the table. He watches me as I stare at the plate containing the strangest food I've ever seen.

I sigh at the plate, then look at Stephen. He smiles even wider, and I shove his stomach in mock-annoyance.

"Alright, there, 400?" Stephen grins. "Gonna eat that?"

A hint of laughter escapes my lips. I slide the plate towards him, matching his smile. I feel myself loosening up to his playfulness. "You first, smartass."

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