Chapter Sixteen

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"I can't believe Melody and Soos' wedding is coming up so soon! Before we know it, they'll be having kids!" Mabel squealed.

"Whoa! Slow down there, Mabel, sweetie," Stan chuckled. "I think they're going to wait a bit before even thinking about kids..."

Stan, Mabel, Wendy, and Ford were hanging out in the kitchen. Soos had just finished his shift and went home, which was why they were talking about him. He had also informed them that Melody and him were fine if Bill attended their wedding. Ford wasn't too happy about that. No one really was except for Mabel.

They were all distracted when they heard Bill and Dipper coming downstairs and enter the kitchen. They had been talking about something that was making Dipper hold back a fit of giggles.

"Hey, Dip-Dop! How's the homework going?" Mabel asked.

Dipper shrugged and replied, "It went good. I'm finished now. Bill helped me so it wasn't that hard."

"You'll have to help me with my homework sometime!" she exclaimed, smiling at Bill.

"Sure, Shooting Star! I don't mind at all. Gives me something to do," Bill said with a grin. "Anyways, I'm going to go back upstairs and most likely fall asleep. Goodnight."

"Night, Bill," Dipper chirped and watched as he left.

"Since when have you two been getting along?" Wendy chuckled.

Dipper rolled his eyes at her. Mabel giggled a bit. "Come on... I think it's a good thing that we aren't fighting for once. It's definitely a lot less annoying." Wendy grinned.

"Dipper, promise me you'll be careful around him... Okay?" Ford suddenly spoke up. Dipper looked at him, a bit confused. He wasn't sure where that had come from.

Stanford sighed before he continued, "It... It is good that you're getting along with him, but he's still Bill. You know how he is."

"What do you mean?" Mabel shyly asked.

"What I mean is that no matter what, Bill's still a manipulative sociopath and a liar. He's trying to get close to Dipper purposefully. I can tell and I know it's because he wants to coax him into this false state of security, just to break it," Ford ranted. "...I don't want to see you get hurt, Dipper... This is just how he is, though. He think it's funny to hurt people: physically, emotionally, mentally- it doesn't matter. He likes to watch people fall apart. He loves it."

The room went silent.

Dipper was taken back by that... He suddenly lost every liking to Bill he had developed. It made his heart drop and his stomach twist and turn. Ford was right. While Bill had been being much more nice and likable lately, he was still Bill Cipher... And Bill Cipher didn't change. Bill Cipher wanted to hurt him and always would... Bill Cipher always did hurt him.

"...You're right... I-I still shouldn't let my guard down around him," Dipper finally murmured. "Thanks, Grunkle Ford."

"Of course. I'm just looking out for you, Dipper..."


Dipper closed the door to the attic behind him. He was surprised to see Bill was actually still awake, but just lying in bed. He wished that the hybrid had been asleep. He didn't want to talk to him now... Not after Ford's reminder.

Mabel, fortunately, was dead asleep in her bed. She had Waddles in her arms and he was asleep too. Gompers was still awake and at the end of Mabel's bed, eating... Some kind of fabric? Dipper assumed it was something Mabel was using for a project she was working on.

"Hey, Pine Tree," Bill greeted, sounding a bit tired. "Ready to go to bed?"

"Yeah," Dipper quietly said and headed over to his bed. He crawled in and turned away from Bill.

The blonde gave him a confused look. "Hey, you okay, kiddo?"

"I'm fine... Just worn out from school," Dipper partially lied. He was tired, but that wasn't the reason why he was giving Bill half-assed replies.

"Well, okay then...," Bill murmured in an awkward tone. "Goodnight...?"

Dipper just barely muttered, "'Night..."

The brunette could've sworn that he heard Bill sigh. Bill then lied down, facing towards him. After a while, Dipper found himself unable to go to sleep. His mind wouldn't shut up about Bill. It was Bill-this, Bill-that... Most of which was worrying about what Grunkle Ford had said.

He turned over, hoping that another position would help him sleep. He saw that Bill had already fallen asleep. As always, Bill looked tranquil when he slept...

It made Dipper's stomach twist and turn again. He wanted to trust Bill, to be friends with him, and care about him, but... Ford was right. He was Bill. He would enjoy hurting Dipper's feelings. This entire thing was just an act...

And it was doing exactly what Bill wanted: hurting him.

Dipper felt a lump in his throat and felt so ridiculous for wanting to cry over this. It was so dumb. He shouldn't cry over this. He was letting himself fall deeper and deeper into Bill's trap.

His worries were cut off as he fell asleep.

(A/N: ford why you gotta go and fuck everything up smh

sorry for the kinda short chapter haa

tbh i hate this but it's as good as it's going to get)

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