Different Sense: 41

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Bilbo looked around expecting something to happen. He glanced back up, he didn't get much reassurance so he took another step, then another more tentative step. As far as this was going, it wasn't going to bad.

There was no sign of Smaug and the Arkenstone wasn't that far away. Slowly Bilbo found himself relaxing, he was becoming surer of his footing so he continued on. Reaching forwards Bilbo's hands clasped around the Arkenstone, or what he presumed it was. He never actually got a full description. Once he got it he turned and started to make his way back.

He didn't mind now if he stumbled or tripped because Smaug was still in hiding. Because of the dragon being missing, Bilbo's fear had greatly subsided.

As he got closer to the entrance he waved the Arkenstone up at them with a triumphant smile. He never received any smiles back, quickly lowering his hands he turned. Everyone was staring at something, and Bilbo's dread had reappeared for he had a horrid feeling of what they were staring at.

Expecting to see the raging dragon himself, Bilbo blinked slowly and looked at the one thing which was visible. An eye, a single golden eye stared up at him from beneath a hoard of gold.

Bilbo stared right back at the eye, he didn't know whether it was really there. Had the eye been visible this whole time and been watching his every move? Cutting into his thoughts was the loudest rumble which echoed all around the cavernous space. As the sounds of crashing gold subsided it seemed that the rumble was becoming more of a laughing sound.

“You think you can trespass without me knowing?” A growl of a voice asked.

Bilbo was struck by fear, shock and everything else in between. He was literally frozen in shock, he couldn't feel his arms or even his legs. His eyes scanned around trying to find the dragon who had spoken.

“Thief, can you not talk? Have you lost your tongue?”

“I...well,” Bilbo stuttered out awkwardly, his voice sounded like a squeak.

“You, what?”

The fear which was plaguing his mind was too much, he couldn't formulate the right words which he needed to speak. There was a large exhale, which sounded like a sigh, and before his eyes the rest of the gold tumbled away. The falling metal soon revealed rusty terracotta scales as Smaug eased his body up from his hiding place.

There was not a word to describe the size of Smaug. Huge, Bilbo noted, was an underestimation. For Smaug was more than huge, he was enormous, gigantic and everything else which could be used to describe a huge being such as he.

All of his body was covered in scales, he was entirely armoured. Apart from a small opening on his chest. There were long dagger like teeth protruding from his mouth, they shined in the light which was coming from the entrance.

Smaug the Terrible was grinning the most eerily given grin down at Bilbo, his scaled head lowered and his sharp golden eyes stared at him.

“Are you alone?” Bilbo shook his head violently. “No?” Bilbo nodded, his eyes widening by the second. “I believe you are a lying thief,” Smaug paused he didn't move away from him. “But what does it matter? What were you going to get up to with the stone, I wonder? Were you not going to ask? It is most rude to take without the owner’s permission. But then I expect you to know that for you do look like quite the respectable...uh...” the golden eyes of Smaug narrowed, his nostrils flared as he had a good long sniff of the terrified Bilbo. “What are you?”

“I am a Hobbit,” Bilbo finally found his voice. “My name is Bilbo Baggins, and yes I quite agree with you; taking without permission is very bad form, it is a horrible trait indeed. But you see, I didn't know you were still here! I give my most utmost humble apology.” At this Bilbo actually gave a small bow. “If you wouldn't mind, I would very must like to take this.” He shook the Arkenstone, Smaug's eyes slid to look at it. “It is the one thing I really want from here. If you allow me to take my leave, you have my word that I shall never return.” Bilbo tried to smile but no smile could outdo the dragon's sudden grin.

“Of course,” Smaug raised his huge head, his eyes glinted down at him. “Take your leave, Hobbit.”

Bilbo smiled and nervously uttered a thank you and turned to leave. He hurried as quickly as his legs could take him, which wasn't very fast for they still felt like lead weights. Bilbo hadn't got far in his hasty escape before Smaug's voice stopped him.

“Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit, a thought has struck me.” Bilbo's eyes shut slowly and he turned and opened them again. His mouth fell open, Smaug stood before him, and wings outstretched and all sharply clawed feet viewable. He bared his sharp dagger pointed teeth, and narrowed his golden eyes. Smaug the Terrible, in this form certainly lived up to his name sake. He was more terrible than what any story could do him justice for.

“Why have you not told me of your friends who lurk by the mountains entrances? I really was hoping for more manners, but this is truly bad form.” Smaug's chest puffed and Bilbo’s dread and unrivalled fear resurfaced again, he knew what was about to happen and he couldn't move.

The terror which he felt caused him to close his eyes, Bilbo was waiting for the searing pain of dragon fire, Smaug's mouth opened. Coming from the base of his throat a light was growing ever brighter and stronger. The fire was coming from deep within the creature, before the fire could escape its owner Smaug spluttered and shook his head. Something had just hit him across the face. Bilbo didn't see what the projectile was but he took this moment to edge back slightly.

Smaug looked confused, or as confused as any dragon could, when smoke merely billowed out of his nostrils. Shaking his head he reared up ready for another attack only he became the victim of an attack.

Thorin had appeared and he had plunged the Goblin Cleaver into the flesh of Smaug's tail. The fire which was trying to reappear was promptly blasted up into the air as he gave a cry of agony. The fire crashed against the stone ceiling, the fountain of fire flew up from his throat. A quick whip of his tail caused Thorin to be flung out the way he came.

Bilbo took this moment again and turned to leave. He reached the exit just as Smaug had finished his cry of pain. Dori had pulled him out as quickly as possible.

“You all right?”

“I...uh...well,” Bilbo couldn't speak, no words could form. He nodded quickly instead.

“Did you get the Arkenstone?” There was no time to answer as the loudest, most ear splitting roar happened from within. It seemed to echo around the mountain, the noise escaped the confines and echoed down the mountainside.

Bilbo and Dori spun around just in time to see Smaug exit the mountain, he appeared from the opposite side as Thorin and company. Smaug roared after their shadows which quickly disappeared.

“I knew it!” Smaug bellowed. “Thorin Oakenshield, it had to be!” Smaug screamed.

“Come on,” Dori grabbed a hold of Bilbo's arm as he spaced out and tugged him to run.

So away they all went, all running for dear life with their weapons still unsheathed. The group sped down the hill with all knowledge in the world knowing that they were no match for Smaug, not on their own.

Smaug was in full flight now. His leather beating wings kept him at a steady pace as he spurted fire when he felt like it. Gandalf tried to counter the attacks which Smaug sent their way but to no effect. Smaug's armour was near impenetrable.

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