[13] Your Best Friend

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Padmé. You two were friends long before you'd met Ben Kenobi, and she was the one who introduced you to the idea of the Force. Since then, Obi-Wan has been training you to control your powers, with Padmé always on the sidelines, encouraging and supporting you every step of the way.

Anakin Skywalker

Obi-Wan. He treated both you and Anakin with such respect and honor that it was hard to ever think anything bad of him. He supported the two of you with your secret relationship, despite how it threatened his reputation as a Jedi Master. You felt like you could tell him anything.

Luke Skywalker

Han Solo. You and Han have been friends for as long as you can remember, despite the age gap between the two of you. Chewie was introduced to you not long after you befriended Han, and you were always there, battling with the two, protecting them and confiding in them. 

Han Solo

Leia. She was the first person you went to when you were upset, and she was always there to be a shoulder to cry on. You'd told her about your crush on Han, and she'd sworn to keep her lips shut, but knew she must have said a thing or two to Luke. Either way, you loved her like she was your sister.

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