Chapter 43

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You laid in bed with Aidan's arms wrapped tightly around you with your head resting on his chest and taking in his touch and the silence when all of a sudden you felt his grip go tighter then you felt a tear hit your skin so you hugged him tighter then said

"I'm so sorry Aidan"

When you said you felt a tear run down your face because you know the pain that he is going through and because even though you just met her she was the next thing you have to a mum so you hugged him tighter then he hugged you back and said

"She loved you, you know that right"

As he said that you looked at him and said

"But she didn't even know me"

With that he looked at you and said

"Y/N I told my mum about you and even though she hasn't met you she still loved you even though your not her actual kid and thank you"

As he said that you kissed his chest and said

"For what"

"For being in my life and for being you"

As he said that you felt him kiss your shoulder so you smiled then said

"I love you Aidan"

With that you heard him say

"I love you to"

Then you guys just stayed like that while calming each other down and never wanting to let go of each other plus holding each other tight because you know what Aidan was going through.

In the morning
You woke to the felt of yours and Aidan's skin touching so you turned around to only see a sleeping Aidan so you smiled then kissed him to only feel him kiss you back and pull you closer so you put your arms around his neck so he rolled you over so he was on the top and you where on the bottom so you smiled then he pulled apart so you could see him smiling so you said

"Why are you happy"

"Because I'm getting married to the one I love and I'm having a child with her how can I not be happy"

"Because your mum died yesterday"

As you said that he took a deep breath then said

"Ok this might sound weird but last night I had a dream where I was in my mums hospital room and it was just me and her then she walked up and said that I should just move on and be happy yea she is dead but I don't want to loose the love I have you and I don't to loose you just because I push you away and plus my mum said marry you and don't let you go so that's what I'm gonna do, yea I miss her but I want to be happy and being with you and having you in my arms is what makes me happy and I love you"

As he said that you smiled then crashed your lips with his to only feel his hand go down your body and to only feel his lips meet your neck so you smiled then let out a moan and the next thing you knew you could feel his hands and his hand where intwined at the top of the bed and your body and his body where intwined.

A few hours later
You took in the touch of your skin touching his to only feel him get up so you sat up and said

"Where are you going"

With that he turned around with a smile on his face so you sent him a confusing look then he said

"No me us"

"Aidan what do you mean"

With that he got on the bed and moved closer to you so you smiled then he got on top of you and said

"I wanna take you somewhere special only if you want to go"

As he said that you smiled then said

"Any where with you is special"

With that he let out a laugh then kissed you so you kissed him back to only feel him pull up and pick you up so you let out a laugh then said

"What are you doing"

With that you got of his arms then he threw a black pair of jeans and a nice shirt so you caught them then he chucked you a bra so you smiled then said

"You do my shopping for now"

With that he laughed then you put the clothes on, when you got the clothes on Aidan took your hand in his so you Intwined your fingers with his then he walked you to the car so you got in and he started the car and drove you to this beautiful place.

Hey guys sorry if this bad but please don't forget vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes and comments on this stories and my other stories it means a lot thank you so much and I love all of you 😘😘✌🏻️

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