Chapter 26 - "Will You Go On A Date With Me?"

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Chapter 26 - "Will You Go On A Date With Me?"

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Chapter 26 - "Will You Go On A Date With Me?"

"So you're just gonna ask her out? Plainly?"

"Yup. That's the plan." I tell, shrugging.

"Uh, Don't you think that's a little simple? Like, I don't know, we both know that she'll say 'yes'. Now, if you want to make her open up a little more, you need to make her act more freely in public. So, I think you need to come up with something extravagant." Beta Ezra advices, raising his brows as leans back, as if to say, 'You can listen to me if you want.'

"Um...That is a good idea...But, will I be able to actually do something like that?" I question, dubiously shaking my head at the thought.

"That's another point. You are, if not now, going to become the Aleph soon. You have to learn to do it," He says firmly, looking serious.

"'re right 'bout that," I mumble, swallowing.

"Now, you gotta think. Think about what you're gonna do." He smiles genuinely, and I nod, reassured that there's someone on my side except my Mate.

"Okay," I stand up from the couch, stretching my limbs. "I'll plan something and tell you," I inform him and he nods, letting his eyes drift back to the muted television. Just as I take a step away, he un-mutes it and goes back to watching whatever he was watching.

I sigh as I trudge to the kitchen, sulking.

How the heck am I gonna do it?

'For our Mate. I know you can do it,' My Wolf encourages, and I smile feebly at him in return.

Once I reach the kitchen, I open the fridge and examine its contents, wondering what I can munch on, that will give me a fantastic idea.

Arms wrap themselves around my torso, and a head rests on the crook of my neck, breathing down my front. I immediately stiffen.


Yes, It's been kinda terse between us.

I pick up an OJ bottle from the bottle holder embedded on the door, and close it. I place the bottle on the counter and try to leave her arms, but she tightens them around me, not allowing me to escape.

"Cage," She says softly, placing a sweet kiss on my neck.

A shiver of arousal travels down my spine.

I turn my head away, acting as if I just didn't show how much she affects me.

"Cage..." She whispers in a throaty voice, and when I make another attempt to break free of her grip, she twists me around, bringing us both face to face.

I avert my eyes.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes so earnestly, her voice sounding thick with emotion.

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