Chapter One

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Great. I'm late. Again. Know someone like me to be late. If I was someone like, I don't know, Johnny Depp then they'd love me for being late.

But of course, this is high school . . .

I dashed into the corridor, sliding my way as I ran for my class. Teachers stared after me as if I was crazy. Within minutes, I had reached the door I needed to enter. I stepped into the now, mostly full classroom, shouldering my backpack as I walked over to my seat.

I heard a thud the moment I sat down in my chair, next to this girl I didn't know. I looked up to see our English teacher, Mr Lee, glaring intensely over the room, silencing the voices.

I gulped. I had never been a fan of Mr Lee, he hates me and I hate him. My luck had been horrible today as when he called out for homework I remembered I had left it on my desk, in my bedroom.


Stupid, I thought, hitting my head lightly against the table.

"Mr Haddock!" Mr Lee called, in his fake, cheery voice. He stared at me. "Well? Where's your homework?"

"Well, Sir, you see - "

"So you don't have your homework?"

"Well, no Sir, but - "

"Detention!" Mr Lee bellowed. "I shall need the homework by tomorrow Mr Haddock otherwise there will be devastating consequences."

See what I mean? He is an unfair, old, vile teacher who gives no respect to anyone, especially me.

Seriously, he can't expect every single student to give their homework in on time? Nobody's perfect, is he expecting us to be Harry Styles or something?

The lesson was dreading by. As soon as the bell rang I sprang out of my seat, sprinting out the classroom. People glared and talked in hushed voices as I shoved my way through, towards the cafeteria.

Everyone laughed as I got shoved around. I was used to it by now. Nobody likes me, except my friend, Flynn Ingerman. He's my best friend.

I found him at our table, right at the back of the cafeteria, right in the corner. I sat down, gasping for my breath.

"Sorry I'm late. I got held up." I showed him my letter from Mr Lee.

"Detention?!" Flynn exclaimed. "Oh god Harry, what did you do this time?" I snatched the letter back, shoving it into my pocket.

"I didn't do anything, I just forgot my homework."

"That so deserves you a detention." His voice was so full of sarcasm, I was tempted to cut his tongue off.

But, I wasn't that mean.

I crinkled my nose, my lips curling into a smile. "Yeah yeah, don't need to rub it in." Flynn's jaw clenched, glaring over my shoulder, surprising me. "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine." My eyebrow raised. I knew he was lying, his tone was tight, as if he was forcing himself to say that. Flynn sighed, seeing my confused glance as I stared at him. "It's Scott," he growled, "they're coming towards us."

Of course, of all people who bother us, it has to be Scott. He was the biggest jerk I've ever met and he's my cousin. But, nobody knows as he didn't want it to ruin his "reputation". He's been picking on me ever since.

Scott had a little gang, including two girls called Astrid and Ruff, and Tuff, Ruff's brother. They were twins who were incredibly stupid. I'm surprised by how far they had made it into their education.

Then there's Astrid. Scott's girlfriend. I cringed. The worst couple you could think of, right? I didn't blame her. The twins and Scott were the ones who are always picking on me. But, then again, Astrid watches and doesn't do anything.

I have the feeling that she must hate me, like everyone else. Like, before Scott and the twins moved to town, me and Astrid had known each other since we were like 5.

But, as soon as we turned 15, she ditched me for Scott and the twins. That was 2 years ago. I'm in my second to last year now.

I roll my eyes, burying my head into a piece of homework as I hear them approach.

"What do you want Scott?" I heard Flynn ask, a slight edge to his voice.

"Just wanted to see the runt." That's me. My lips pressed into a thin line as I looked up at Scott who turned to face me. I was called a runt because I was the runt of the family. The weakest baby born, shit at everything and the person who everybody hates.

They nicknamed me 'Hiccup'. Whenever the rest of the family would visit, they would always mock or taunt me. I hated it . . .

"What, Scott?" I said, narrowing my eyes.

Scott smirked at me. Jerk. "How's your life, Hiccup?" The Twins laughed behind him.

"None of your business," I said calmly, my fists clenched under the table. I glanced sideways to see Astrid staring at the floor, not doing anything.

"Come on, runt, it can't be that bad."

"Oh it definitely is," I mumbled. It took Scott a few seconds to figure out that I was, 1) being sarcastic and 2) that I was relating it to him.

"Watch what you say around us," Ruff growled.

I exclaimed quietly as Scott grabbed the collar of my shirt, hauling me out of my seat. He shoved me so hard that I hit the floor with a loud THUD, my glasses falling off of my face.

I winced. Their was pain all over my body. They're just evil. They've never been nice to anyone, especially their so - called friends.

As I hauled myself to my knees, I heard the retreating footsteps of the gang. I looked up, my eyes glassy to find Astrid staring at me. She hesitated, about to come over when Scott shouted, "Come on Astrid!" from the other side of the cafeteria.

Astrid ran after him, not sending me even a glance. Ok, that made no sense at all.

I sighed, wincing as I pulled myself to my feet. Flynn quickly rushed over to help. He limped me over to the table and sat me down.

My side hit the floor pretty hard. I lifted my shirt slightly to see my skin bruised. I gasped as I placed my hand on the side.

I looked at Flynn. He was staring at me.

"Harry, I'm - " I silenced him.

"Just don't." I mumbled.

"Harry, your Dad, he needs to know."

"He won't do anything." Flynn didn't understand. Nothing was going to help. It's like my mind controlled me whereas my heart had been surrounded by chains and locked up. I had no idea who had the key that would unlock them.

And that was the last thing I said before the bell rang, signalling that it was the final lesson of the day.

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