Ch 53: A Plan

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Since its been so long I shall give you a treat!


Karma POV:

I tried my best not to stare below Lolas neck, knowing full well that when Absinthe put her in that he meant it as his personal pleasure. 

He could have found her something else. 

Or at least some underwear.

but he didn't because he wanted a show.

Probably because he wasn't getting anything more than a peep show.

Still. It was sort of hard to meet the girls wide teary eyes.

She had been staring at me for the past five minutes, her lower lip quivering and tears swimming behind her lashes. 

Finally I relented, "Lola sweetness how are you?"

"you said he would say he wants me as his gummy bear!"

Ah fuck, what did he do? "Well axel is a stupid meanie, I would be much better for you."

"but but Lava cake is prefered over caramel." She sniffled, "but he hates me."

she rubbed at her face.

I frowned, "He doesn't hate you he's just-"

"no he does! he only wants me because I'm different than his usual bimbos!" Soundly she burst into tears, "K-KARMA I'M JUST A-A-A B-BIMBO!"

Shit. this girl has pipes. 

I looked around to make sure her guard dog and my best friend wasn't around, He would kill me if he saw lola crying like this in front of me, even though its totally his fault, "Shhh...shh..jesus sweetness you're not a bimbo. Your just loving and a hippie."

She sniffled, "g-grandpa always said hippies were dirty and gross."

And she started crying again. 

"He does love you lola."

"If he dud why can't I just give him what he wants?! He said he doesn't believe in love even though its real like television!"


okay whatever, these two needed to get their act together and Absinthe needs to get his head out of his ass. 

If the woman I loved had adored me as much as Lola does him, I wouldn't have a complaint in the world. She could have and do whatever she wants so long as she looked at me like lola does him. 

She's so damn affectionate and all she gets in return is a few kisses and a whole lot of sex.

Its not bad at all by the standards of a succubus or pretty much any other demon for that matter.

But lola isn't a demon in any way shape or form shes human...sort of. 

Well she has human feelings and a human body. close enough.

Axel doesn't deal with humans because of their feelings and less open sex drives. But he was the one who sought her out. He could have said no at ant turn but he let this tumble into a mess because he wanted her.

He's always wanted her and like all demons he selfishly took what he wanted the second it became available.

I can't blame him for that, its in his nature. Its in my nature so I get it.

But I also get what its like to be completely unloved by someone you adore.

"Sweetheart you know what you need?"

She blinked, shaking her head.

I grinned playfully and shot her a wink, "you need a plan."

"I thought that was the banishment from my cherry pie..?"

"Well yeah but you know how he is?"


"Well..yeah but no."


"That too but still no."

"Vulgar? rude?"

"Yes and yes but Sweetness why do you love him?"

She shrugged, "I dunno that I do but I think its love. I don't know why though, he's not very nice."

I shook my head, "Axel is a jealous person, he's possessive over you."

Shes muled this over. "so..I should replace him with a real lava cake?"

this girl...

I snickered, "no. while thats a good plan, its too easy for him to smash."

"...I should poison him so he realizes he needs me."

Hm. good idea and very evil I applaud her. "will the poison be tasteless?"

"no life is too short to be tasteless."

"ah then no because bitter poison isn't loving and he will hate a sweet one."


We drifted into silence.

"you could have sex with me."

" shouldn't have to sacrifice your life in the name of my beings gummy bear."

oh so she does understand the consciences of that.

"How about you break up with him."


"leave him Lola."

I watched her carefully as her brow furrowed, "but I need to stay here, I'm not home and might die without this shelter."

"Then tell him you don't want him anymore. that when you get back he has to move out."

she looked completely lost, "but..wont that make me lose him."

"No. it will knock some sense into him. He will realize how cute you are and how much he needs the cute!"

"Ahhh really?! like how I need his tail!?"


She grinned, springing up and running out of the room into the stone hallway, "LAVA CAKE I DECIDED IM LEAVING YOU FOR UM..."

She twirled around and stared at me.

I mouthed the word forever. shooting her a wink.


I shot her a thumbs up as she grinned proudly. 

There was a massive crash in the distance and the heat in the house cranked up everything going black.

...I forgot that night terrors can morph their environment to their will to cause illusions.

Creating completely separate realities when you really piss them off.

"uhm, sweetness?"

No response.


"Karma?...why is it dark?"

"Sugar, I think we made a mistake..."

"Wha why do yo-"

Lola screamed and then everything went quiet.

I couldn't even hear the sound of water that ran through Axels home. 

But I could see strange hues swirling in the air.

Another scream.

Then I was completely pushed out of whatever monstrosity he had created for her.

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