Chapter seven Esme

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This is a dream i have to be asleep there is no way this beautiful man is telling me that im a vampire.I cleared my throat and stared at him he was rambling on about a thirst and animal blood but i couldn't keep my mind focused on him. I heard the sound of an owl hooting outside but it was magnified by ten. I walked to the window and looked out. My vision was usually blurry but at this moment it was incredible. I searched for the owl that i was hearing and my eyes finally landed on it. It had to be at least 10 miles away but i saw it as if it were right in front of me and then out of nowhere realization hit me. If he's so far away how can i hear him. Realization struck me. What if he's telling the truth? Then what? Am i supposed to go out and tare into a deers neck and drink his blood. As soon as i thought it regret overtook me. I begun to fantasize. I thought about Carlise. He was beautiful if there was any blood left in his veins i would love to drink it. I got lost in a day dream. A Human Carlisle was standing infront of me beautiful. I imangined the sound of his heart beating in his chest i could imangine the sound of his blood racing through his veins. My mouth salivated and i sunk my teeth in his neck. His blood was delicious and i couldnt stop drinking and i didnt want to. At that moment Carlise put his hand on my shoulder. I was awaken out of the day dream that shamefully intrigued me. I look up at Carlise and he looks at me as if he understands the look on my face. The room to the door opens and a very handsome boy opens the door he cant possibly be more then eighteen. He walks over to where me and Carlise are standing infront of the window and he looks directly at me and then he smiles and speaks. "Hello My name is Edward Cullen and your actually off by a year im seventeen." He can read the confused look on my face but he ignores it. He turns to Carlise and speaks. "Carlise i know the two of you are getring better aquainted. He smirks. " But there are more pressing matters to attend to. Esme needs to hunt" I cut in at this point. "You cant be serious. I know your not talking about what i think you are. I could never drink the blood of a animal or anything else for that matter. At that moment the boy (Edward i think his name is) Looks at me and laughs. He then spoke with a big grin on his face. "Pardon me i dont mean to spy but you really seemed to be enjoying the thought of drinking Carlisle's blood. Don't get your hopes up he doesn't have any" I feel like someone is pouring cold water down my back. He couldn't possibly know about my fantasy. Maybe im understanding him wrong. Besides i would never drink blood never. He looks at me very seriously and speaks. "Yes you will and not just animal blood but human blood also because at this point you have no self control. I know you think you do but you dont.

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