Chapter 30: A Week Later...

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"Please don't call him, it won't help anyone if you do." I tried to keep pace with my brother, as he walked towards the house. Keith stopped abruptly, turned around, almost causing me to crash into him.

"You can't change my mind Claire, He deserves to know where you are. If you care for him at all, you will let me do this!" he whispered harshly, and I flinched at his words.

Keith just stood there, towering over me, waiting for a response. I stared at my feet, fighting a battle within myself. "If Keith calls him, he'll come for me and I'd be putting him in danger. As soon as I'm with him, Zachary will know, and no one will be safe. But...I miss John, and I do care for him very much. My heart beats for him." I sighed deeply, knowing that I had to be honest with Keith and myself.

"What's it going to be Claire, are you going to willingly let me call him, or will I have to do it without your knowledge."

" I be the one to call him...maybe? I peered up to look at my brother, and was surprised to see an extremely relieved expression on his face.

"I was hoping you would offer to call, If I got on the phone with the prince, he'd start yelling, than I'd start yelling, and I am sure it would take about an hour to calm the both of us down, before the conversation actually went anywhere. If you talk with him first, by the time he even wants to speak with me, The prince will be in a very good mood, probably even grateful to me, and I can handle grateful. In fact..." Keith said turning around, walking toward his house again. "I quite like grateful." I rolled my eyes at his back, and followed him at a more leisurely pace, feeling a bit nervous at what's to come.

When we arrived at his house, both Henry and Sienna were there waiting for us.

"We gonna do this or what" said Henry as he propelled himself off the couch, looking ready for battle.

"We are not doing anything, only Claire and I are going to go into my office to call the prince, once that is done, the day will go on just like every other day has. Got it?"

Henry clenched his jaw, glaring at Keith. There was something going on here that I was missing, but my head was too scrambled to think on it too much, so I let the thought go and focused on getting my nerves under control.

"This is not a fight you can win Henry" said Keith harshly

"You don't know that" Henry growled

"Trust me, I know. Now... STAND. DOWN!!!" Wow, my brother is a strong Alpha, as his sister I don't have the urge to bow, but I can feel the power rolling off of him in waves, it's intimidating. Henry on the other hand is down on a knee, glaring angrily at the floor.

"Claire let's go" with that he turned and headed straight for his office. Just as I turned to follow him Sienna called out to me.


I looked to her, and saw sympathy in her eyes.

"Don't be nervous, he'll forgive you" she said softly.

Her words brought tears to my eyes. "How did you know I was worried about that?" I said completely at a loss, with all of these emotions welling up inside me. Faintly, I could hear rain drops hit the ground as it slowly began to rain. "I need to get my emotions in check, before I destroy this town."

"I knew because, that is what I would be scared about if I was in your position" Sienna said with a soft smile on her face.

"CLAIRE! GET IN HERE!" yelled my brother from his office.

Both me and Sienna rolled our eyes at him

"Your mated to that" I taunted, but she didn't miss a beat.

"Yeah, well your related to Him, and actually share his blood."

"Touche" I said walking away from her, heading toward the office, "Touche"

Just as I reached the office door I noticed something.

The rain had stopped.


Hey guys that's all I got for you, I hope you liked it. I wasn't going to update until my exams were done, but you guys have been so patient and you deserved an update. Claire and John will definitely have talks in the next chapter, and either see each other as well or the chapter after that. It's about to go down.
P.s I might update on Tuesday if I get more comments and votes, give me your thoughts cause I love to read them.
Pp.s I'm probably going update on Tuesday anyway, I just really like it when y'all comment... have a good week!!!!

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