Chapter 53

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You walked on the plane to only see that you and Aidan where the only ones on here so you looked at him and said

"Umm Aidan are we in the right plane"

As you said that Aidan let out a laugh and said

"Peter hired a plane for us so we can travel in private oh and don't worry I already brought us a house in New Zealand"

When he said that you turned around put your arms around his neck then smiled to only feel his lips meet with yours so you smiled into the kiss to only feel him put his hand on your belly so you smiled then he pulled apart and said

"When would I be able to see my beautiful babies"

As he said that you smiled then said

"Well just wait eight more months then you'll get to see them"

When you said that he rested his head on your shoulder and when he did you heard him groan so you smiled then let out a small laugh, as you where laughing you felt him kiss your neck so you placed your hands in his hair to only realise what he was doing so you pulled apart then said

"Aidan not here"

As you said that he lifted his head so you can see an upset Aidan so you smiled then he said

"It's not my fault that I can't get enough of you I mean look at you"

As he said that you smiled then said

"You know I feel the exact same way about you"

As you said that he smiled then took your hand in his then walked you and him up to a seat so you sat down on it to only feel him pull you closer so you rested your head on his shoulder and just closed your eyes to only feel him kiss your head and hold you tighter.

You woke to felt of Aidan kissing your head and hearing him say

"Hey we are here"

As he said that you sat up rubbed your eyes then looked out the window to only see the beautiful New Zealand scenery starring back at you so you smiled to only hear someone say


As he said that you heard Aidan say


With that you saw him walk up to him and pull him in a hug and when he did you smiled then walked up to Aidan to only feel him wrap his arms around you and pull you close so you smiled then you heard Dean say

"Y/N right"

As he said that you smiled then nodded your head so you smiled and pulled you in a hug so you hugged him back then you heard him say

"Wow look at you, how far are you"

As he said that you placed your hand on your belly and said

"Eight more months and Aidan and I get to see these two beautiful Irish twin"

As you said that Aidan pulled you closer then kissed your head do you smiled to only hear Aidan say

"Man i can't wait till they are born because I can just picture it I walk in the house to only see a beautiful little girl with beautiful Y/H/C and beautiful Y/E/C run up to me and pull me in a hug"

As he said that you smiled then kissed him to only feel him kiss you so your pulled apart and said

"And I can't wait to see you with a beautiful little girl with my hair and my eyes and a beautiful little boy with dark brown hair and beautiful puppy eyes sitting on their daddy's lap listening to him either sing or read"

With that he kissed you so you kissed him back to only hear Dean say

"Guys come on, Aidan Peter wants you to meet everyone else"

As he said that Aidan pulled you closer so you held him tighter then walked in the limo and drove to the set of the hobbit so everyone can meet you and Aidan.

Hey guys sorry if the chapter is bad but please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes on this story and mr others it means a lot thank you much and I love all of you😘😘✌🏻️

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