02 | You Don't Know Me

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"Don't get too close,
It's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide,
It's where my demons hide."

I grabbed my Astronomy book out of my locker before closing it shut. I hope I wasn't going to be late for class because this was one of the only classes I genuinely enjoyed other than Music, of course. Nothing could beat the peace and serenity that washed over me whenever I played my violin and piano.

"Hey Marissa." I looked up to see that it was none other than Cody leaning against the locker, a stupid smirk painted onto his face. I immediately scowled, groaning internally.

What did he want now?

"What?" I snapped impatiently, pursing my lips. He was wearing his letterman jacket, although I knew he didn't have Track practice today. I only knew that because I used to go watch him run, and dare I say that it was bo-ring.

"Come on, Mari. Don't be like that," Cody teased. I rolled my eyes, you're the one that broke up with me, idiot. Why can't you just leave me alone?

"I am going to be late," I stated monotonously, trying to sidestep him. Cody grabbed my wrist gently and laughed loudly, making me wince slightly.

"Come on, let me take you out on a date," he said softly, tucking a strand of hair that had escaped my bun behind my ear. I involuntarily shivered at his touch, making his eyes light up.

"See? We still have chemistry, babe. Give us another chance," he chirped, his smirk turning into a charming, warm smile. The one that I used to love. My heart beat quickened at his rare smile, but I forced myself to stop thinking of him like that.

He is a douchebag, I reminded myself. He only wants to be with me because I'm popular again.

"I really don't have the time to talk, Cody. I have to get to class," I muttered, successfully shaking his hand off mine and strutting off, with my head held high.

"Then we'll talk later!" he hollered, catching the attention of pesky passersby that were trying to act as if they weren't eavesdropping. Deciding that giving people something to talk about wouldn't be so bad, I looked over my shoulder and shot Cody a cheeky smile. A look of surprise overtook his features, since I had never been one to tease or be the least bit playful. I had always been serious and blunt, one of the reasons he claimed drove him to break up with me in the first place.

"I don't think so," I sang loudly, winking at an awe-struck Cody before turning and making my way to class.


"Marissa, you're late," Yuko's voice boomed as I walked into the classroom. I looked up, wincing internally with embarrassment under his gaze. Yuko looked absolutely stunning in his Meilleurean attire, looking more like he was about to attend a red carpet event than to teach a class full of annoying teenagers. Even though he was usually a very reserved and soft-spoken person, he was a stern and strict teacher. Most people don't argue though, because he was a great teacher and a great looker too.

The only downside of him being a great looker and a part of the Royals was that many, many girls wanted to join this class. And it was pretty annoying watching them all try to beat each other in the 'Who Can Be More Of a Suck Up' contest every lesson.

I smiled sheepishly, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Sorry, it won't happen again," I sighed, walking to my seat.

Setting my bag on the floor, I grabbed my notebook and pen out, and looked to the front.

"I'd appreciate it if all of you are on time next lesson," Yuko sighed, sitting on his desk. Taking off his rectangular glasses that he wore on occasion, he rubbed his eyes gently and put his glasses back where it belonged on his angular nose. "Especially you, Marissa."

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