Chapter 54

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You walked in the New Zealand house that Aidan brought you to only see that it was near a beach so you smiled then walked outside on the veranda to see this beautiful beach scenery looking at you so you smiled to only feel arms wrap around you and to only feel him kiss your cheek and rest his hands on your stomach and his head on your shoulder so you smiled then rested your hand on his and said

"This is so beautiful"

As you said that you felt a cold metal hit your skin so you played with his ring to only hear him laugh a small laugh and say

"You like playing with that ring don't you"

As he said that you smiled then said

"Sorry just a habit"

When you said that he laughed then kissed your neck so you smiled to only feel Aidan pull part and pull you inside, when you got inside he pulled you closer to him and placed his arms around you and made your arms go around his neck and when he did you pulled apart and said

"I can't dance, my brother was gonna teach me but he died"

As you said that he pulled you closer and said

"Then let me teach you please we never got to dance at our wedding and I want to dance to with you just one dance please"

As he said that you looked at him to see him giving you a pleading look so you walked up to him wrapped his arms around his neck to only feel him pull you closer and wrap his arms around you and the next thing you knew you and Aidan where dancing to no music just dancing taking in each other's embrace and knowing that you guys loved each other and no matter what happens you will not leave each other.

A few hours later
While you and Aidan dancing you felt his grip on you go tighter so you smiled then you heard him say

"I really do love you Y/N and I'm so glade that I married you"

As he said that you felt him kiss your neck so you smiled then said

"I really love you to Aidan and I'm glad that I married you to and I can't wait till I have these babies"

With you saying that you felt him hug you tighter so you smiled then you heard him hum the song crazy love by Jason manns and Jensen ackles so you smiled then you guys just stayed like that just dancing and never want to let go.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but please don't forget to vote and comment what you think and thanks for the votes and comments on this story and my other story oh and if you want to listen to the song crazy love just search it up on YouTube but make sure you get the Jason manns and Jensen ackles one it's a really good song and I love all of you😘😘✌🏻️

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