Nightmares Chapter 5

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Today is the day of Lydia's big party. She was at the lake house, setting stuff and Allison was helping her. Lydia had never had dreams like the ones she had yesterday night. She was quite because she was thinking about it too much, Allison noticed how down Lydia was and decided to ask.
"Hey, is everything okay?" Allison asked.
Lydia snapped out of her thoughts, "yeah! Why?"
"Um I don't know, you just seem different, which is unlike you" Allison said.
"Umm..." Lydia said trying to change the subject and Allison noticed.
"Lydia, now I'm worried! What's wrong?" She said nicely.
"I had a dream, it felt so real and when I woke up, I was in the pool." Lydia keeps hesitating.
"What were you dreaming about?"
Lydia paused, sat and then started. "It's kind of confusing. Okay so I had a dream I was sleeping, then I awoke screaming. I left my house and went into the woods bare feet, just walking in the cold... And I entered a burnt house, it was creepy, something was under the floors, knocking so I bent down and then it grabbed my hand, it was a person, so I screamed, I pulled away and started to run and I ran home and into bed and then I closed my eyes. When finally awoken I was in the pool, wearing the same outfit and then when I went to my room, there was dirt on my bed!" Lydia began to get scared. Her eyes started to tear up.
"I... I don't think that... Was a dream... Oh my god."
Allison started to hold her tight in her arms. "It's okay, you'll be okay."
"Okay! You know what!? I just need to enjoy myself." Allison smiles at her.

Party time. People started to arrive at Lydia's amazing party. As they say, Lydia always throws the BEST parties. Lydia was feeling down but she kept cheering herself. She looked for Allison and saw that she was with Scott and she also saw Stiles and he looked at her, she gave him a little smile. She went to search for Jackson and when she found him, he was too busy playing pools and beer pong to spend time with Lydia. So Lydia decided to take a little walk because she needed to clear her head.
Lydia somehow ended up in the woods again, but she wasn't even heading to the woods, she just wanted to walk down the lake and back. Instead she ended up in the woods, near the burnt house. It gave her the biggest chill she has ever had. She then heard humming.
"Jackson?... Come on I know you like to pull pranks and this isn't funny! JACKSON!!" She yelled.

Lydia heard someone running fast and then felt some walking a few feet behind and when she turned around, it was a man. A man with dark hair and a long black leather jacket. Then the person behind her was running even faster and this time she knew who it was, Stiles.
"LYDIA!!!!!" He's screaming and was running extremely fast towards Lydia. "NO!".

Lydia turned around again. The man was closer now and then his teeth grew and it became pointy, dirty and his eyes glowed red, like an animal. She screamed and fell to the ground as the man bites into her neck. The last thing she saw was the man on top of her with blood around mouth and the cruel look on his face and then she saw Stiles, leaning over her and was telling the man to kill him instead of her. Before she could say a word, she past out and then awoke three days later in the hospital. The nightmares continues.

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