Chapter 11

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4:30 AM

"Thanks a lot Louise," Walter said as we stepped out from the black van. Dawn was approaching. I could see the golden ball appear from the edge of the waters of the Atlantic. We stepped on the isolated dock as I caught sight of the medium ship. It looked very funny but agile.  Walter walked quickly like someone was watching us. I followed close behind keeping a sharp eye round. I was just starting to understand what I was throwing myself into, I was about to face something I hadn't seen before. He might not be human and I didn't really know how to use Jenette fully and with these trances that made no sense and drained my energy, I was really panicked.  We were at the middle of the dock, then a floodlight lit on us, blinding me and Walter.

"Freeze!” I heard someone shout as Walter tried to make a run for it but I didn’t. I was done running away. This was the most stupid thing I had seen. Krane was about to set something drastic on the States that could go down in history forever and they were here looking for someone to extract genes from.

“O! we need to go!” I heard Walter shout from the door of the ship.

“O! Do not resist, you’re coming with us!” I heard someone say as the floodlight went off.  Ten guards approached me along side Q, Jane, M and some other agents from WJ-I HQ. I looked at them hands crossed over my chest until they stopped right in front of me. Q was avoiding my gaze and Jane was giving me her best ‘I was dragged into this’ look. M really couldn’t be bothered. He stepped forward, the guards waiting for orders.

“I’m sorry O, but it has come to this, I’ve learnt you know everything. You shall go with these fine gentlemen here,” M started as I cut him off.

“What a pushover you are M,” I said as Jane gasped but I continued “so they take me and then what,” I was met with silence as he looked away. They had no idea.

“You guys don’t even know how to get it out and I doubt you can figure it out in 1hr 30 minutes 26 seconds ooh 25 seconds, 24," I said as they itched uncomfortably. M looked back up, his lazy eye gleaming.

"It's not my decision O, I wish it was," he said not fazed by what I told him.

"They've brainwashed all of you, he's coming, we need to stop him!" I said.

"Seize her," M said calmly and turned his back towards me as the guards marched up to me. Jane tried to hold it together but I could read panic all over her angular face. Q fought through the guards and pulled their hands off my wrists.

"She's right M, we don't have time and you know that."

"Q of all people, you should know the consequences," M said turning around. His face was extremely emotionless.

"Aren't you tired of being a pawn? Well I am!" Q shouted way louder than I'd ever heard him. There was an uncomfortable silence, I could hear the waves crash on the shore.

"At ease," M told the guys as they stepped back. He advanced to me and waited "What's the plan?" he said his eyes twinkling. I straightened up about to answer when Walter shouted from the deck.

"We plan to wing it!" I was about to do a face palm but M nodded and went into the ship. Jane ran up to me and gave me a brief hug and then followed M inside.

"Go in!" I shouted to the guards. "We need all the reinforcements we can get," I turned not looking at Q, I wasn't done with him "You too, lover boy," I walked in and I could sense the smirk forming on his face.

The ship set sail almost immediately. I could sense the tension of the room, all the other agents were trying to act calm as Walter's friends were being as insane as ever and to be honest we didn't know what to expect.

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