Chapter XXXI - Hálfrblód

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My head came off the pillow at a dizzying speed as I sat up, chest heaving with fright, and dug my nails into the mattress beneath me.

"Shhh. 'Twas just a dream, sweeting." I heard Anne's soft whisper and licked my parched lips as the dregs of my powerful nightmare settled under my dawning wakefulness.

Her cold hand rested on my cheek and her beautiful face swam into view, though the dying embers beside the inglenook afforded scant light to see by. I sucked a stilted breath harshly into my frozen lungs and turned my head from her. The small hand retreated as my eyes dimmed with tears.

I moved my throbbing leg, rubbing the calf of the healthy limb across the other as my skin began to itch under the bandage. I had ostensibly lain insensate for an indeterminate length of time, I knew not how long, during which my leg had been cleaned and dressed and I had been divested of my blood-soaked raiments.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A full day," she answered quietly. "I have barred the door and allowed no one to enter, save Lucian and Godwin, of course." I nodded. "They have been beside themselves with worry-"

"I don't care," I interposed caustically, still facing the opposite wall. "Where is everyone?" When she did not answer I turned and fastened my cold gaze to hers. I had so much fury coursing through my blood. A part of me loathed the way I now spoke to her. I both hated and embraced my bitter mindset.

Her lips compressed. "Godwin and Lucian are in his library... and Fendrel plans to leave Nørrdragor within the hour."

That was a surprise! I had thought him of a mind to stay on till spring for the snow would only make their journey treacherous if they departed any sooner. I hid my astonishment and shrugged my shoulders noncommittally which only elicited an involuntary hiss — now that I was not fueled with adrenaline I could feel each and every painful bruise and laceration. Cold-soaked with pain and fingers trembling, I lifted the blankets away from my body to see for myself the extent of the damage: almost every inch of my skin was blackened with bruises; I had, however, expected worse. I should look worse for all the trauma I had endured. Anne, meanwhile, continued as if I were not distracted by the awful colors swathing my pale skin.

"Carac and Caine are out hunting," she informed me. Did they not gorge themselves on blood the night before? I snorted and Anne arched a brow as if she's heard my thoughts, but forged on. "Lucian, however, has refused to stray far from your side."

I rolled my eyes petulantly and looked towards the window to see dawn peeking though a heavy curtain of dusky clouds.

"No doubt to pepper me with lies as soon as I woke!" I scoffed my cynicism.

"Aria!" she bristled, shocked by my vehemence, and I had the good grace to duck my head in chagrin. With a resigned sigh, she said, "Godwin would like a word with you If you are well enough for it."

I whipped my head around to her. "No!" I cried as a scowl bloomed across my brow.

"My child," she pushed her fingers against her temples, "you cannot avoid them indefinitely. There is too much left unsaid. If you would just let Godwin explain."

"I would that I had never been forced to come here!" I keened.

I had meant to rail at her some more, but my throat had constricted of a sudden with the misery of her perfidy. She shook her head ruefully then took my chin in her implacable fingers.

"I had not taken you for a puerile sort and nor have you ever been unfair... up till now." I tried to pull away but she held fast. "I beseech you to dismantle this heavy sense of betrayal that you are determined to bear and hearken closely to what Godwin would say!" When I merely glowered in response, she growled in frustration and stood, peering over me in vexation as I lay supine. How dare she act as if I were being merely petulant! Was I not the victim in this farce?

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