Secrets out{32}

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I roll over and flutter my eyes open I'm shocked to not see Chase lying there, but there was a note with my name on it.

I pick up the folded piece of paper and open it up.

Morning beautiful

I've gone out but I promise I'll let you know when I get back, have a great day kitty

Chase x

Are you kidding me?!

He promised me he would explain where he was last night and why he looked like he was in a fight. Maybe I can't trust him?

I walk down stairs to get some breakfast.

I see dad rushing around grabbing keys and trying to put his other shoe on.

"Where are you going?" I ask tilting my head.

"Oh hi sweetie I was gonna leave you a note but I might as well tell you" he rushes around the kitchen like a crazy person.

"Dad calm down, tell me what?" I asked and cross my arms.

"Well honey I have to go away on a business trip, I'll be back Wednesday" he smiles.

Why does he always have to go away?

"What? Do you have to go?" I ask a little sad that he's leaving.

"Sweetie you know I have to" he kisses my forehead and grabs a little suitcase by the door.

"Be good!" He shouts and shuts the door behind him.

Okay...well that was sudden...

I shake my head and go grab a plate of waffles.


"Sarah he's still out! And it's nearly eleven thirty!" I cry.

"Why does he keep doing this to me" I wine over the phone to Sarah.

"Look Lay he's a bad boy he doesn't believe in curfews" she laughs.

"This isn't funny how can I know where he--" I stop in my sentence.

The boys! They'll know where he is! There probably with him!

"Sarah I got to go!"


I fumble with my phone and call Reece.

Straight to voicemail.

"Reece if you know where Chase is, which you clearly do PLEASE let me know, or better yet get the turd himself to let me know, thanks Reece" I leave the message in the voicemail.

I could probably get Matt to tell me.

I dial the number and not long he picks up.

"Hey Lay!" He practically yells through the phone, I already can tell he out somewhere cause of the cheering in the background.

"Where are you?!" I shout back.

"Uhhh...out?" He reply's sounding guilty.

"Okay, out where?" I raise a eyebrow.

"Umm the library?" He squeaks.

"The library?" I question.

"Shit" he mumbles.

"Matt where are you!"

"I can't tell you, sorry Layla" he actually sounds like he wants to tell me.

"Why can't I know where use are, it's starting to scare me" I tell him honestly.

"Look Chase is fine he fights all the time don't worry"

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