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6 months. I miss him. Still. 《

Has he said that he knows you two couldn't become friends? He was whispering and his face being buried in your shoulder didn't help making his words sound clearer. As you laid in your bed, covered in three blankets and surrounded by a million pillows you kept on wondering. You wanted to know so badly, but the chances of you two meeting again were small.

Jimin came bringing you a cup of tea. You reached out and burned your fingers a little bit making him grin.

"Why couldn't your friend drive you back home?", he asked sitting down at the edge of your bed.

"An emergency occurred. I don't know what emergency exactly though. But again thanks for picking me up.", you reached your hand out so he could grab yours and squeeze it a little bit.

"Standing in the rain didn't do any good to you.", he said after you sneezed.

Yes, the rain. You had finally gotten off Taehyung when it started to rain. He was looking sad and his eyes seemed red but you were burning because of anger. You screamed at him he should leave but he continued to shake his head and grab your hand, but you stepped back. Screaming at him didn't do any good to your throat either. You picked your phone out of your bag to call Jimin so he could pick you up. He agreed immediately, sounding worried. Taehyung was still standing in front of you, trying to say something but you didn't want to hear anything anymore. So you started walking towards the place you had told Jimin to pick you up. You left Taehyung behind and didn't dare to look back once. Luckily Jimin didn't seem to notice your red eyes, he was rather worrying about you being completely wet. He told you that you would catch a cold, and as he said that his eyes were empty. As if he knew, you were being unfaithful in some kind of way.

Jimin was right. You had caught a cold, a very bad one. Irene and Amber were worried and you hadn't told them yet about what had happened. If you should even tell them was also not sure yet. They were your best friends...maybe you should? The chocolate Irene brought you gave you flashbacks. This felt exactly like the first days of your heartbreak, adding the cold you felt even more miserable.
Your phone was shut off for a week, you spent your days in your bed. Visitors coming and leaving. Each of them worrying more and more.

It was a week and a day already and also your last day before going back to work and uni when your bell rang. Short short long short. This can't be happening. With heavy feet you walked towards the door, opening it slowly. And indeed, Taehyung was standing in front of you with two Wodka bottles.

He seemed to ignore your miserable state and stepped in happily, putting his shoes off at the exact spot he always used to and headed to your living room. You followed him confused, wondering what this was about.

"What is this?", you mumbled leaning against the wall. He passed you to go to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses.

"Hello to you too.", he said while sitting down on the carpet and opening the first bottle.

"It's Sunday. 4pm. You plan on drinking right now?", you said.

"Yup. Why not? We used to drink on Sunday mornings.", he laughed while pouring the liquid into the glasses.

You could hit him for bringing up memories. Memories were your most vulnerable spot.

"I don't drink alcohol anymore."

"Since when?", he gave you an amused glance.

"Since I've beaten up your girlfriend."

You wondered how he would react. Would he jump up and leave or curse at you? But he surprised you again, as always. He kept on laughing showing off his beautiful rectangular smile.

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