14. Being pampered

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*Grunting noises filled the dorm room of Sherlock and John.* [A/N: That's john by the way.]

John woke up with light onto his face. His eyes fluttered open under the sunlight that peeked inside the bedroom shyly. He groaned as he glanced over at the alarm clock. In ten minutes the alarm will go off. John sighed, wrapping the sheet tighter around him. He still had ten minutes left before he needed to get ready. So that meant he can daydream for ten minutes. John closed his eyes, with a big smile appearing onto his lips as he started to think about Sherlock. These ten minutes will be filled in perfectly. He felt like a teenager boy. He never thought to feel like that again. Last time when he dated someone. He just kissed the girl and surely he was in love with her. But oh Jesus. These feelings were so different this time. Maybe the relationships with the many girls didn't work out, because John didn't meet Sherlock yet.

John rolled over, trying to lay more comfortable. While he turned his body, he felt something at his feet. He cocked his head to see what's in the way. Probably he forgot to remove his satchel. He frowned as he stared at a fully dressed Sherlock, sitting on the edge of John's bed with a fresh made tea in his hands. The mug of tea steamed at his adorable face. John sat up, yawning.

"Sherlock?" John asked, rubbing his eye with his hand palm, being sure he isn't dreaming.

"Morning." Sherlock smiled, handing John the tea.

"You've made tea?" John seemed startled, taking the tea.

Sherlock laughed softly. "Yea... I think that's tea, yes." Sherlock laughed. "Is that wrong?" He added, getting insecure as John looked startled. Sherlock isn't good in these things. He researched some important matters last night while John was sleeping. He wanted to be with John as much as he could. He knew, it's a wrong thing to do, since that John was straight. Well, he thinks John was straight. And surely John was, sort of. But Sherlock is an exception for him. Sherlock didn't want to sent the wrong signals to him.

"No, of course not." John assured, blushing. How could John try to ignore his feelings for Sherlock as Sherlock was acting like a real gentlemen?

"Good." He said, giving John a charming smile.

"You're up early." John pointed out.

"Yes. Couldn't sleep well."

"How come?" John asked, sitting up more straight so he can sip his tea without spilling it.

"No reason. I think, everyone can have a bad night." He shrugged. Around 3am Sherlock jolted awake from a bad dream. He dreamed about John refusing him, and walking away with a girl named Mary. He never dreamed like this before. It frightens him. So the young detective sighed and clambered out of bed, knowing too well that he wouldn't fall back asleep, and started to look around the internet. It bothers him that he couldn't do anything about this.

"Yeah, true." John chuckled.

"You were making those noises again, John." He informed, smirking.

"Oh god, really?" John said ashamed, taking a sip from the tea, his face covered with the mug.

Sherlock laughed, standing up. "You, want something from the canteen? I need something from the library. So, if you want, I can grab something for you on the way back." he insisted as he grabbed a pale of books. "So you have extra time to repeat your curriculum for the test."

"Oh." John said just staring dreamy at Sherlock. Not knowing he did so. Sherlock wanted to bring him breakfast, making tea for him, caring for him. John couldn't stop blushing. There was a cough that broke the thoughts.


John shook his head. "Oh yes. Right, yes thank you, Sherlock." John hesitated. Sherlock frowned.

"Are you alright, John?"

He swallowed. "Yeah."

Sherlock just nodded and walked towards the door, ready to leave. "There is money on my desk." John interrupted. Sherlock ignored him and disappeared the room.

"Sherlock!" John shouted.

John rolled his eyes with a tiny smile and stood up. Taking a last sip of his tea. He grabbed fresh clothes and walked into the bathroom and took a shower. Ten minutes later Sherlock returned into the room.

"John, I'm back." He called.

John sticks his head out of the shower. "Okay, Thankyou Sherlock. You're the best." He shouted.

Sherlock couldn't stop smiling at this. John called him the best. He walked over to the small table in the corner of the room. And placed the serving tray onto it. Sherlock brought a stack of butter biscuits with a pile of butter and some fruit. Also some orange juice was standing in the corner of the tray as well. Sherlock felt proud of himself. He was thinking about what he could do more for 'his' John.

He got an idea. He searched through John his satchel, grabbing John's course, placing it besides the breakfast. "So." He mumbled proudly, beaming. Just when he was ready with everything John entered the room, ruffling his damp hair.

John eyes widened at the sight of an extensive breakfast. He glanced over at Sherlock, stepping closer to the table. "Oh my god, Sherlock. This is..." He trailed of, not knowing what to say. His cheeks flushed.

Sherlock turned, bit startled from John's suddenly acknowledge. He glanced over at him. His Golden blonde hair was still wet from the shower he had just taken. Sherlock loved seeing him that way – just after a shower with his hair sticking up in blonde tufts.

"Friends help each other right?" Sherlock said flustered.

"Yeh. But this is more than helping" John smiled. Sitting down. "Thanks." He added, looking over his shoulder. Sherlock just nodded and walked over to his night table.

"We divide this right?" John asked, gesturing to the army of food.

"No, I'm not hungry. And I have to meet Mycroft in a couple minutes." Sherlock said calmly.

"Oh. Okay." John said, a sign of disappointment in his voice.

"See you later John." Sherlock said as he opened the door, briefly glancing over to his crush.

After one hour studying and eating his lovely breakfast. John grabbed the stuff he needed for his test and the following lessons and strolled towards his classroom.

The day went quite well. John was hundred percent sure he will succeed his test. It was a breeze for him. He needed to thank Sherlock as well when he saw him. In the midday John sat with his classmates in the canteen, hoping on a sign of Sherlock. Sadly Sherlock didn't appear. He already missed contact with his roommate. He rested his head on his hand, pecking his food.

"John, are you alright?" Ben asked.

"Hmm?" John hummed absently.

"You look sad." He shrugged.

"What? No I'm not. Don't worry."

"Is this about your roommate?"

John froze, frowning violently. "What?" How does he know that John loves Sherlock?

"Is he annoying you that much?" John sighed in relief, and laughed a bit.

"No. He's fine. Just tired."

"Ah key." Ben replied, turning back to his food.

Meanwhile Sherlock sat on the rooftop. The lessons this morning were so painful for him. Teachers were annoying him so hard. Sherlock just wanted to think. Think think think. It's the only thing he did lately. Sherlock sighed fiercely, grabbing his phone.

Come to the rooftop-SH

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