chapter 14 - Found

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Evelyn's Mind

"I see you've fixed this place up" I say looking on the balcony "yeah, well night walkers run this town now" Marcel says grinning I smile "good" I smiled drinking some blood from jasper again "Evelyn why did you leave without saying anything... Why are you here?" He asked facing me. " I was looking for the rest of my family and I found them, they lied to me so now I'm here" I say to him as he nodded "well put it behind you, you're our queen of the night" he says raising his glass as did Jasper. I laugh and drink from my glass "indeed I am" I say smirking "hey I want you meet someone" he says holding his hand out I take it and he takes me to a church "wow best place ever" I say sarcastically " Oh come on" he laughs, we walk in and takes me upstairs till we reach a door "this is how I keep an eye on the witches" he says, I look at him confused he knocks on the door and a young girl opens it "hey D" he says walking into her room I go to follow but I'm stopped by an anti- vampire barrier God I hate these things "oh Davina this is Evelyn a really good friend please invite her in" he says she smiles at me "sure come on in" I smile and walk through "so marcel why are you here?" Davina asked confused " I came to see if any witches are performing magic" he said "nope but I think there's one trying to locate someone here" she says looking at me, so did marcel "Kol..." I say in an annoyed tone "he's trying to find me" Davina looks at me worried " I think he already has" she says awkwardly.

Kol's mind
Bonnie agreed to do the spell after a lot of persuasion "phas matos tribum nas ex veras sequita saguines ementas asten mihan ega petous" she chants pouring her blood onto the map I watched as it moved to New Orleans why is she there that's marcel's town I don't even know if she knows him "I have to go" I say walking to the door when Stefan stopped me "not on your own" I stifled a laugh "sorry I work alone besides darling you're the reason I'm in this mess" I say patting his cheek before walking out I get  in my car and travel to New Orleans

Kol Mikaelson//The Unknown Daughter//Where stories live. Discover now