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Slight!Violence/mature language

Baekhyun's POV

"Forever?" I repeated, glancing up at him teasingly.

"Forever." He pecked my cheek, confirming it.

"Mm. Does that mean I win the bet?" I decided to joke around with him a bit. He hummed in response and snuggled his face into my neck.

"I surrender," he said, words slightly muffled because of my neck. The vibration of his voice against my neck made me giggle a bit, but I managed to respond.

"Let's just say it was a tie," I stopped laughing and leaned into his chest. He turned me around so I faced him and crashed our lips together, surprising me. I let out a small noise out of shock and didn't respond for a moment. But when he bit my lip for entrance, I gladly responded, opening my mouth a bit. He quickly pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Pity, I was pretty set on winning," he whispered, making me smile.

"You're not the only one. I planned out things I was going to make you do for a month." I chuckled, intertwining our hands.

"So who really fell first? We could just forget about this bet completely, now that both of us have already failed miserably." He squeezed my hand, placing his other hand on my waist and guiding me to the door. I thought for a moment, and turned back to him.

"Why not both of us dye our hair? I've wanted to do it for a while, anyways." I shrugged, grinning. He let go of my hand to put on his shoes, tossing me my pair at the same time.

"Sounds good, I'm sure gonna miss my rainbow hair, but I think blonde will look pretty good. Can't wait." He smiled sweetly.

"Me either, I think I'll go with red. Now let's get going, wouldn't want to be late to school our first day as an actual couple, do we?" I smirked, tying up the last lace on my converse. Sehun opened the door and held out a hand, slinging his backpack over his shoulder with the other.

"Of course. But are you ready to act like one? No pretending." Sehun smirked back. Grabbing his hand, I laced our fingers together a second time.

"More like are you ready? I bet you have no idea how clingy and protective I can get."

"I guess we'll find out."


Sehun's POV

Thankfully, Baekhyun didn't actually become ridiculously overprotective or clingy. He didn't cling to me like most girls would to their new hot boyfriend, but he was very sweet and was by my side most of the day. I think he was only that sweet and kind for show, though. Like when we first entered the school holding hands:

"Ready?" I asked, one hand on the entrance door of our school, and the other laced with Baekhyun's. He nodded and smiled. I opened the door, instantly being met by dozens of stares. We kept our cool and walked through the hall like we couldn't see them. One person, though, had the courage to hold out a leg, in hope of tripping me. I easily stepped over them, not sparing them a glance. But Baekhyun flashed said person a glare, letting go of my hand and proceeding towards them. He whispered something I couldn't catch into his ear, but it made the boy widen his eyes and dash off in a hurry. Baekhyun returned and smiled happily at me. Rolling my eyes, I placed a hand on his back and ushered him to our class.


It was lunch when things started to go wrong.

Baekhyun told me he was going to the washroom, and told me to wait at our table with the guys. But he's been gone for over 30 minutes, and I glanced anxiously around the cafeteria.

There was no sign of him.

Worriedly, I told Chen I'd be right back and headed for the bathrooms. When he wasn't there, I searched both floors but couldn't find him anywhere.

Baekhyun.. Where the hell are you?


Baekhyun's POV

I felt a wave of pain against my back and struggled weakly to get rid of the handcuffs. I whimpered as another lash strikes my shoulder, the pain unbearable even through my clothes.

"Agh! Stop, please- I- No!" I screamed in pain as he continued to whip me. This bastard.

"You left me. You caused your mothers death. It's all because of you! I should kill you right now, but I'll make it slow and painful instead. Your lover boy won't even know where to find you." He sneered at me, making me want to beat the living shit out of him.

"He. Will. Come." I grit my teeth, holding in my tears.

"Yeah, just keep thinking that. The only time he'll ever see you again is on the news, when they announce you dead."

Sehun... Please, find me. Tell Chen, he'll know what to do.


Sehun's POV

I searched the whole perimeter and area of the school, still unable to find a trace of him. I was panting and on my knees by the time I finished.

No.. Where is he? He said he would be right back.. He said..

"Sehun! Are you okay? What happened? And where's Baekhyun?" Chen ran up to me, a worried Kai by his side. I gasped, trying to calm my breathing.

"He-He- I can't.. Find him..." I coughed, grabbing Kai's outstretched hand gratefully. Chen widened his eyes.

"You can't? He's missing? Where could he have possibly- crap, don't tell me.. He-he must've taken him again." He grabbed his hair with frustration, anxiously looking at both Kai and I.

"His father. He's the only one who has a real grudge on Baekhyun. This has happened before. I was so worried that I persuaded him to get a tracking device implanted in his arm. It tells his location. He never told his father about it. We can find him... But his father is crazy. We need the police." He quickly explained, pulling out his phone and searched Baekhyun's whereabouts.

"There." Kai pointed at the red dot. Chen zoomed in and it showed an old building, probably abandoned. It wasn't particularly large, but it told us he was in the basement of the building.

Kai phoned the police and told them the situation, and they told us they'd be there within a half hour.

Half an hour? Useless, what if that's too late?

"Let's go." I immediately ran to my car, Chen and Kai following suit.

Baekhyun, hold on.

You promised forever, don't you dare cut that promise short.


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