[24] What Annoys Him

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The way how you're always right. He's used to having a lot of knowledge, so it's a quite different for him to be corrected. He never argues with you over it, but usually ends up mentally kicking himself for looking like a fool in front of the people who witness you prove him wrong.

Anakin Skywalker

How you can't realize your true beauty. He's tried to make you believe with words and actions, yet you always seem to be awkward whenever complimented. He's set himself a target to make you believe his words, and, though still uncomfortable, you've learnt to tell yourself that yes, indeed, you are beautiful.

Luke Skywalker

How you're passive-aggressive. He'll be asking you constantly what's wrong, what he's done wrong, or if you've had an argument (which you rarely do, but it still happens), he'll pester you and see if you're still mad at him. It isn't just you. Luke just hates passive-aggressive people in general. They always find a way to rub him the wrong way. Don't they do that to everybody?

Han Solo

How stubborn you are. You will throw all caution to the wind and still stand strongly behind your idea, even if that includes something like stealing Boba Fett's jetpack and flying all the way to Earth with it. Though it puts you in danger sometimes and ruffles his feathers,  it can becomes of use.


god im such a hypocrite i hate myself but also stubborness and being all types of aggressive is what im best at so rip

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