List of Things That are Annoying

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Here's a list of things that have always been so annoying to me but they hold no reason for or against it. It just is. I'm feeling moody and grumpy so I wanna do this.

Keep in mind there might be people listed here too.

These are just opinions. Nothing factual.

When people comment unnecessary information or input. This one I loath. Say you upload some Frexy drawings and honestly you love that ship but then in the comments someone says, "Oh I ship Fonnie." Like.... Seriously? What in gods almighty call upon heavens above the Saint earth tell you that the person (who posted the picture) fucking cares. It doesn't offend me because I fully respect other people ships but when you just comment that... Hecwkusgebakevridgevmaifejtcegwiebrksu. Because, I honestly don't give a fuck if you ship something else. Just... Hhhhhhh

Chewing with your mouth open. You have no idea how much this fucking pisses me off. I don't give a flying fuck if you aren't even making a sound. It's disgusting, I ain't wanna see your chewed up, nasty food. Keep your mouth shut.

Chewing loudly.
You understand this one. I'm pretty sure.

People who complain about kids these days being spoiled. Honestly sir (or lady), you need to shut the fuck up. At least we ain't rude (probably) and rubbing into others faces about how damn rotten they are. It is true, we are spoiled. But think about how much modern day has grown and how much we can afford. It's also getting really annoying.

People who ALWAYS use bases for art. Now I don't mind here and there when people use bases for art. Especially when I doesn't even look like it and they mention the owner of the base, then I like you. But, I see too many kids on the Internet constantly using bases, the art looks like shit, and they don't even fucking mention the owner of the base. I hate it.

Nekos. Go ahead, you can kill me. I know most of you are nekos. Now art for it is cute... The only reason I hate it is because of humanizations of animal-like creatures. Like FNAF, Sonic, or MLP.

The Minions. Everyone loves them. It's sick. These guys completely distracted the audience from the main plot of the movie (Despicable Me) that we can barely even remember the damn names of the main characters!! They just slow everything down and are a huge nuisance and distraction.

Olaf. Same with the Minions, he is in the way of the plot.

The Frozen Fandom. Fucking hell. It's just as bad as the movie itself. I can't even... Fucking... Words.

Big Hero Six Fandom. Stop. It.

Disney fandoms in general. I can see why there'd be a Lion King fandom sorta, but other stuff- NO. Please stop writing your creepy Jelsa lemon fanfictions along with Hiccup X Repunzel fluff. Stop. These are kids movies.

Emojis. Now, I use them for texts and stuff, but merchandise, Wattpad book covers, covers in general, drawings, profile pictures... Please don't. I have no idea as to why I hate it, I just do. Looks awful.

Humanizations. You guys already know this, well most of you. I hate it with the most burning of flames, with the coldest of temperatures. Fuck. It. You have no idea. And most of you love it, so feel free to shut me up.

When someone's in my room. There is no reason, I just don't like it. Now, I don't mind friends in my room I guess, but my family... Hhhhh. I have nothing to hide I just hate it. Especially when my mum keeps coming into the room.

Dog Lovers. About the he entire population loves dogs. I don't mean this to all of you, but to those of you who can't and won't stop talking about your stupid mutt named 'Scruffy' shut the fuck up. I don't hate dogs, I just prefer not to be around them, as they are very tedious to watch over. But to those people who are crazy mad about it, please stop, I don't care that you bought your dog your entire life allowance. I don't hate dogs, but I will hate you if you don't stop talking.

"Did you draw that?". No, how the hell did this delineation appear right beneath the fucking tip of my pencil that I was holding? What is this fucking witchery?

"DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?" On my ask blog. Okay, so when I start an 'Ask (insert character here)' I'm excited because we get to explore and develop this character! But, already, always, and too early people are all like 'DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?', 'DO YOU LIKE ANYONE?', 'WHO WOULD YOU KISS?'. Please stop. This character is new, do you really expect for them to fall head over heels for someone immediately? yes I'm referring to all the crush asks I got in my "Ask Trap" book. It's annoying and it's too fucking early.


That's all I got for now folks.

You can comment and hate now.

Fuck you.

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