Chapter 17

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Hello everyone! Thank ya'll so much for 400 reads! Keep on voting! Sorry this chapter is kind of boring, it will get intersting in the next one! I promise!


When we arrived at the resteraunt, I had turned my phone on silent so I wouldn't be rude and be on my phone as I was with Sebastian.

"Welcome, what would like to drink?" Our waitress kindly asked as she set out our menus.

"Order anything you want. I got it." Sebastian genuinely smiled as he started to his drink.

Once we finished ordering, Sebastian glanced at me.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh nothing." I started messing with my rings.

"It's Chris isn't it?" His eyes darkened.

"It's n-nothing really." I tried to hide that I was lying but I suck at it.

"I don't know what his problem is. He obviously doesn't know how to treat a girl right." He scoffed.

I giggled when I noticed his angry expression. When Sebastian is mad his face tenses up.

"What?" He noticed my giggling.

"I'm sorry, it's just when you get mad you look like a shark." I busted out laughing now.

His angry face now turned into a soft, lighthearted expression.

"I can't help it! You know I don't like him!" He said chuckling.

"I feel like I have known you for a long time." I started to quiet down my laughter.

"Well I guess you could call three days a pretty long time if you want." He smirked as the waitress came back with our order.

"Oh yeah I-" I stopped talking once she placed a huge plate of fancy french fries and chicken down on my side of the table.

I dug into my fries as Sebastian slowly ate his food.

"Damn, girl! You sure can eat fast." He started laughing as he took a sip of his root beer.

"I have a weakness for fries! Don't hate! I'll just have to go work out later." I giggled.

"You workout too?" He looked amused.

"Not like hardcore training but I run and do some other stuff sometimes." I started eating the chicken.

"Yeah, same. Well I mostly workout just to relieve stress and get things off my mind." He took another sip of his drink.

"We should workout at the track together sometime!"

"Hell yeah. You should come after my practice on Monday after school. Whenever I get done we can just run at the track."

"Oh, I forgot you are on the same team as Chris." I started messing with my rings again.

"Don't worry about him." He stopped me from messing with my rings when he gently put his hand over mine.

"I guess." I smiled. "I just don't want any drama or anything like that to happen."

We finished our food and Sebastian paid. We kept talking about random stuff and I have to admit Sebastian was a really cool guy. He didn't take anything too seriously and was laidback about most things. Except when it came to Chris of course.

"Thanks for everything, I had fun." I said as we reached my house.

"No problem. Hey uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me tomorrow?" He asked nervously.

"Sure sounds good." I smiled.

"I'll pick you up." He had a big grin on his face.

Okay see you tomorrow then. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and got out.

I saw that his windows were still rolled down.

"Hey were still gonna run together on Monday right?" I yelled to him as I was walking backwards to my house.

"Yeah! Remember just don't worry about Chris!" He called back.

"I'll try not too! There won't be any drama right!?" I asked to be sure.

"Oh yeah totally no drama." He smiled and drove off.

Well I guess that answer seemed legit right? I just hope he's keeps his word.

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