Two dippers

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* Reverse dipper is dipper gleeful and is evil *

Dipper pines pointed to the top of a tree with Bill standing next to him.
" race ya to the top!" Dipper yelled. He ran to the tree and started to climb.
" ok Pinetree " Bill laughed he teleported next to dipper as he climbed.
" cheater!" Dipper laughed.
" never said I couldn't " Bill reasoned.
The two came to the top and sat on the top leaves.
Suddenly there was a loud crash followed by blue light. Dipper looked at Bill and he shrugged. Then a figure, human, came running out. He looked like an older dipper but with a blue cloak. There was a blue haired guy following him.
" d-Dipper! Your not so posed to be here!" The follower called out.
"Shut the fuck up Will" dipper snapped at him. Will backed away.
Bill looked at dipper pines and back at the reverse dipper. He did this a few times them vanished.
He reappeared in front of the reverse dipper.
" if your anything like your brother ," reverse dipper motions to Will. An he waves. " then you will be easy to capture" he continued.
Bill glared behind dipper and then at him. " nope mother f#ker " be responded. He punched reverse dipper in the face, sending him flying backwards. Dipper sits up and glares at Bill.
Meanwhile dipper was climbing back down the tree and made it next to Bill.
" too many dippers in one place " Bill yelled. The small portal was still open bill grabbed the struggling reverse dipper. But before chucking him out. He muttered at him. " your actually kinda cute Dipper" then threw him into it. Will followed.
" what was that" dipper asked.
Bill smiled and kissed his forehead " dipper gleeful"
Dipper was confused. " who?"
" oh nothing" Bill pushed him away
" go read er something. "

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