A Baby Makes Everything Better

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Two Weeks Later
Troian's Pov

"Aspen hurry up!" I yell upstairs "Max is gonna be here soon!"

"Mommy I need help!" She calls "I can't do up the button on my pants!"

"Just come downstairs," I sigh "I'll help you." She hurries down the stairs and stops in front of me, the fly on her jeans undone. I quickly do up the zipper and button, then hand Aspen her yellow vest. She puts it on as I shove her foot into a beige Timberland boot, tying up the laces as fast as I can.

"Where's the dog?" I ask, looking around the room.

"Ella!" Aspen calls "Come here!" Sure enough, the little white chihuahua comes sprinting into the room, sliding to a stop on the hardwood floor.

"Good girl." I say, reaching down and giving her a quick scratch behind the ear.

"What am I doing with Max today?" Aspen asks as I clip Ella's leash to her collar.

"Well, I think he's taking you for a walk down by the breakwater, then you'll probably go for lunch after." I say.

"Can Ella come for lunch?" Aspen asks with a hopeful look.

"Unfortunately, you can't bring dogs in restaurants." I explain "But she's coming on the walk with you, she'll just have to stay in the car when you guys eat."

"Okay." She sighs just as there's a knock on the door.

"He's here!" Aspen exclaims, running to the door.

"Well go ahead and open it up." I chuckle. She pulls the door open, revealing a happy looking Max.

"Hi daddy!" Aspen exclaims as he picks her up and spins her around. Despite my former assumptions of Aspen taking a long time to call Max her dad, she became quite comfortable with it quickly. Although she still calls him Max when she's talking about him, she calls him dad to his face. We gave her the option in a very casual manner so that she didn't feel pressured to call him dad, but she pretty much jumped on the chance to call him so. I think it's because she hasn't known him for very long, it's not like she's called him one thing for years and is suddenly asked to call him another. That or she's been dying to call someone her dad for so long that she'll take any opportunity.

"How are you sweetheart?" Max asks with a grin, kissing Aspen's cheek.

"I'm excited because you're here now!" She replies happily.

"Well, let me tell you that I'm just as excited." Max says "I haven't seen you in three whole days, that's too long! I've missed you Aspen."

"I missed you too daddy." She replies, hugging his neck. I can't help but smile at the sight of Aspen so happy. She truly has bonded with Max in a way that I didn't think was possible in such a short amount of time. They're both always asking to see each other, and get so excited when they do, even if they just saw each other the day before. I'm more than glad that they're getting along so well.

"So what do you say Aspen, lunch at the Cliff's Edge?" Max asks "Then maybe ice cream for after-lunch dessert?"

"Ice cream!" She exclaims, smiling excitedly.

"You have to eat all your lunch, though." Max warns with a laugh.

"Okay." She agrees "Well, maybe."

"We'll see how it goes." He chuckles. After making sure they have everything, I say goodbye to Aspen and Max, telling them to have fun and for Aspen to be good.

"Alright, I'll drop her back off sometime this evening!" Max calls as he walks toward his Jeep.

"Sure thing, keep me posted!" I say, getting a thumbs up as a response.

Troian Bellisario: Just Me & My GirlWhere stories live. Discover now