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I watched her walk into the shop, her head tilted slightly to the side trying to hide the rose pink tinge on her fair cheeks. She was beautiful. A fond smile played about on my face, I was in love with her. Even if she didn't know, I knew.

I wasn't quite sure when or how our worlds collided but it was like she was the sun and I was the moon. She brought light wherever she went whereas I made everything grey.

However, as I strolled along the pavement I realised that I was truly happy. Something I hadn't felt for a while before I met Willow. My life was definitely not a fairytale and I honestly doubted I'd get a happy ending.

I grabbed a cigarette from the packet in my coat and flicked he lighter on. I took a long drag and exhaled, this was my relief. I knew Willow hated me smoking but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

"Simon!" I stopped short and turned to see Harry crossing the road towards me. Me and him had been through a lot together, he suffered in prison for it while I got to roam free. I would never forgive myself for this.

I offered him my packet when he caught up with me to which he accepted. "So, what's up?"

"Nothing, how come you're down this part of town?" He asked, sucking in the toxins of the cheap cigarette. I stubbed mine out and shoved my hands in my pockets to stop them from shaking. It wasn't exactly a sunny day.

"I'm with Willow actually, she's just gone to the library." I replied, not elaborating because I knew he would understand.

"Ah, I see." He nodded, thoughtfully. "Wanna hit the club?"

I grinned, he knew me well.


Poker isn't just a game. It requires skill, precision and confidence. Three things that I had mastered the art of. You had to play it casual, throwing in jokes and small talk. As it gets heated, that's when you keep an eye on the guy opposite you.

You play helpless to the last minute and just when he's getting a bit too comfortable, you strike. Harry and I didn't come from a wealthy background, we had what we had at the Home. They gave us pocket money, but I had expensive taste. Money is money, doesn't matter how it's made. Same value, same aftermath.

I smiled to myself as I laid down my last cards. Before looking up, I was already scraping the money towards me. I knew I had won. It was the hushed silence in the room that told me so. The angry glare I could feel from the man beside me.

Then I froze as I heard a clapping noise behind me. "Well played, Simon Minter." The man that emerged from the shadows was the very face I had been running away from for so long. He had found me.

I panicked, spinning around to find Harry sharing the same terrified expression as me. All I could do was mouth to him.


In one swift movement, I flipped over the table causing a massive disturbance. Giving us both time to bolt out the doors, we sprinted down the road with them close on our heels. The adrenaline pulsing through my veins pushed me to run faster than I'd ever before.

That same slick black hair, chiselled jawline and haunting grey eyes that I'd been seeing in my nightmares. It was now a reality. I'd been careless, they must have been tailing me. I could hear Harry's short breaths beside me, I could also hear the pounding of blood in my head.

Suddenly I realised there was no more shouting behind us. I risked a quick glance behind me to see they were no longer pursuing us. We both skidded to a halt, I collapsed to lean against the wall. Panting heavily, gasping for oxygen. Harry following suit.

"Come on, let's get out of here." I muttered, all I wanted to do was curl up somewhere warm with some food.

We didn't get very far, a black Mercedes flashed in front of us. Trapping us in the alleyway, the headlights burning into my head. Then I realised the car hadn't stopped, it was hurtling towards us with some speed. I grabbed Harry and we turned our backs as the car slammed into us, knocking the breath out of me.

My head smashed against the cold, wet gravel. I could taste the blood in my mouth, a metallic sharp texture. If I had sustained any injuries, I couldn't tell because my head was swimming and I was furious.

I couldn't stop myself from passing out right there on the road, the now pelting rain hitting me repetitively in the face. Almost taunting me.


Haziness, blurred figures, distant shouting. Then as my eyes adjusted, I realised I was now in a room. I tried to move and immediately a streak of pain along my arm stopped me. I grimaced, it better not be broken.

Instead, I swivelled my head around to make out my surroundings. It was a bare and empty room, only piece of furniture was what I was sitting in. There were cuffs around my wrists, cutting into my flesh.


Where was he? If anything happened to that kid I don't know what I would do. I needed to find him and get the hell out of here. Again, I tried to move and this time it wasn't that bad. However, before I got the chance to stand, there was a harsh buzzing sound and the door opened.

A man walked into the room. A man who made my blood run cold and my fingers curl into a fist. Hatred, that's all I felt towards him.

"Simon!" He grinned, a familiar flash of gold. "How you been?" He continued smiling, not a pleasant smile. One that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight.

"Cut the crap, Eric. Why am I here?" I spat out, distaste evident in my tone.

His grin vanished, replaced with the infamous scowl. He strode towards me and slapped me straight across the face. I groaned in pain, almost falling off the chair.

"I didn't bring you here to kill you, Simon." He growled.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes, sarcasm dropping from my words. He narrowed his metal eyes at me, studying me.

"It would've been fun to kill you, seeing as you're a filthy traitor-" a sinister chuckle escaped his lips. "-however, some new information has sparked my interest."

I waited, dreading what he was about to say.

"The blonde girl, she seems to be very special to you, no?" He sniggered. My breath hitched, horror filling my mind. Oh God, please no.

"I also hear she has a little sister, how cute." He purred, watching me carefully.

I fought with myself to contain my hatred and utter loathing of this man to take over my actions. I was shaking in anger, hot tears forming in my eyes. Nothing could ever happen to Willow or Hannah.

"Hah! I seemed to have touched a nerve. Just as I thought." He nodded, pleased. "Well, this is the deal. You're either with us, or I will make sure that my men have some fun with your little girlfriend."

I hissed through my teeth, my face contorted with fury. I could see red as I leapt from my chair, gripping around his neck and squeezing hard. There was a scuffle and then I was forced backwards, someone's knuckles connected with my face and two men were twisting my arms so hard I was sure they would snap.

Eric giggled. "I like you, Simon. I hope you make the right choice, you have seven days." Then with a brisk clap, the men dragged me outside of the building. I was chucked into a van, I didn't know if it was blood or tears running down my face but it hurt.

The van halted, I was thrown onto the pavement outside of the club I had previously been in. I didn't know if I had the strength to get up, no-one seemed to be around. My voice couldn't form a cry for help.

Suddenly, there were arms around me. Heaving me up, gently but firm. I collapsed onto Harry's shoulder, sobbing heavily as the full meaning of today hit me right where it hurt.

I knew what I needed to do, it would kill me inside but it was the only way to keep her safe.

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