Part Four

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Gibbs POV

The sleek, gray doors of the elevator slid open, revealing the hallway and the entrance to Abby's lab. I rushed in, wanting all the information possible. "What do ya got Abbs?" I said briskly.

"A LOT GIBBS! I ran finger prints from the letter an da picture frame, and I got a match, "she said as she pulled up the results, "Peyton Baar is the lucky winner! He was dishonorably discharged in 2008 for multiple drug uses, but has been clean ever since. His last known address was 2415 W Roosevelt Circle, the same street as the Clairstons!"

"What about the code?" I asked getting very excited. "When I first heard about the girl, I figured she was gonna have this huge, complex code for me to crack, but it was actually very simple." Abby pulled up the screen for the code on it. "26 and M stands for the intersection of a street, an-"

"26th and Marion." I said out loud.

"Yup! Then the remaining letters were just scrambled. When you unscramble them you get...."

"Grocery store." I thought out loud once again.

"Correct Gibbbs!" Abby said, but I was already out the door.

When I reached the elevator, I got on, but I felt this heaviness in my stomach. As the elevator started moving up, I realized what it was. I slammed my hand down on the power switch, fell to my knees, and burst into tears.

"Don't let... this...end up... like... Kelly." I gasped between the sobs that violently racked my body. Then, darkness.

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