I'm back

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Now I know not many people read this book but I will keep posting for those who will stumble upon it and those who still stick to it.

Lately I have been thinking about the past and the years gone by. I have also read over some of the chapters in this book. Looking back some things I cringe at some things I am proud of.

I look back and think of the challenges I have been through that made me who I am. Despite how hard or how pleasant they were I wouldn't change anything for the world. If I did not have those tough times I wouldn't be who I am today. Now I am not saying I have a hard life, not in the slightest I have a really good life to most, but I am saying that I have changed and grown.

I have my friends and family to thank for their support and their own challenges. I still will strive to be the best person I can be and help others overcome their own troubles and challenges just as others have helped me.

I hope you have good supportive friends to help you through or at least someone who to talk to and is there for you. Also if anyone is having a hard time when they read this feel free to message me. I'm not saying I am the answer to your problems but I am happy to talk about it or just have a chat if you need someone to chat with.

So thankyou to all my friends. If any of you or my readers need help I am happy to chat. I care for all of you. I think of the people going through hard times and hope that they can pull through, have hope and be happy even in the hardest of times.

So my readers keep smiling!

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