Zayn's Little Accident

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(Guys y'all wanted Zayn to the wet bed but he won't wear a diaper, continue reading to find out)

Liam: Louis! Zayn! (Liam called from the kitchen both older members came racing down the stairs)

Zayn: yes Li (sits on the stool as well Louis)

Liam: oh here's your sparks (gives both lads drinks to calm ADHD kids or adults)

Zayn: uh Li I'm not...

Louis: (interrupts him) thanks so much Li

Liam: your welcome (heads upstairs)

(Zayn & Louis drink their drinks and than Zayn had to pee really badly, later that day all the members were sitting on the couch Harry was sitting on Liam's lap and Niall was sitting on Zayn's lap, Zayn was tickling and rubbing Niall's shirtless back since it was soo hot)

Zayn: ugg... (Moves around)

Niall: what's wrong Z (looks at him concerned)

Zayn: I have to pee (picks up Niall under his armpits and places him on Louis's lap) be right back (dashes to the restroom)

(Later that day Niall asked to Zayn to sleep with him, in the middle of the night Zayn peed in the bed so he woke up and went in his too to get all cleaned and decided to sleep in his bed, suddenly he was worked up by loud smacks and crying and begging for mercy, so Zayn went to go see what is was, he heard it Niall's room and he walked in, Liam had him over the bed with his just his boxers on and was spanking him hard with a belt)

Zayn: what is going on? (Running to Niall to comfort the sobbing boy)

Liam: Niall is having accidents and is lying about them so I'm giving a nice long spanking. Now Niall I'm going to ask you again did you pee in your bed

Niall: no Li I didn't.... Please

Liam: that's it (pulls down his boxers and started landing unbearable smacks)

Niall: (was letting out a piercing scream, than Liam stopped for 30 seconds and that's when Zayn had the chance)

Zayn: Niall get your ass downstairs in living room

Niall: But Z (gets up)

Zayn: Now! (Points to the door)

Niall: (wipes his eyes with the back of hand sighs and limps to the living room)

(After he left Zayn was glaring at Liam)

Liam: ok what was all that about

Zayn: ok first off Niall didn't pee in the bed

Liam: what are you talking about?

Zayn: I peed because of that drink you gave me no matter how many times I peed in the toilet I still had accidents

Liam: oh I thought that drink worked for you guys

Zayn: Li I'm not ADHD like Louis sure I'm full of energy but it doesn't work for me

Liam: oh why didn't you say anything

Zayn: I've been trying to tell you all day yesterday

Liam: oh I'm sorry

Zayn: I'm not the one you should apologize to

Liam: oh my gosh Niall! (Runs out of his room with Zayn behind him and sees Niall on the couch crying his eyes out) I'm soo sorry baby (kisses his head repeatedly) please forgive me

Niall: I forgive you, but Li

Liam: yes love

Niall: my bum feels like its on flames

Liam: will ice cream maybe help

Niall: (runs to get his shoes)

Liam: (smiles slightly) are you coming Z

Zayn: yeah I'll come, but where's Louis and Harry

Liam: oh they went to the zoo

Zayn: why didn't he take or ask one of us to come

Liam: he said he wanted to have alone time with Harry idk

Zayn: hmm... Ahh... (Shrugs his shoulders)

(So all three members walked out to go get ice cream)

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