Did I Say That Out Loud? (Rogers x reader)

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Warning: There will be a little swearing outburst...


"(Y/N), come on!"

"(Y/N)- oh, seriously! Does anyone know where she is?" Steve huffed, completely frustrated with your tardiness for the third mission in a row. As you finally entered the hangar, your gear hanging loosely from your pack and your hair a complete mess, he stood with his hands on his hips at the jet door, blocking your entry.


"I don't have...one, sir," you panted, trying to catch your breath from running the stairs. "I just...lost track...of time."

Clint poked his head out from the jet, smirking at you from over Steve's shoulder, "Nose in a book again, you nerd?" When you didn't respond with the embarrassment or laugh that he was hoping for, he sulked away back to the pilot seat in defeat.

"Let's just go, (Y/N)," Steve relented, "one more time, and we need to have a talk."

"Sir," you agreed, your head down and watching your feet as you quickly ducked past him and into a seat. Keeping your eyes averted as he passed by, you grabbed your tablet from your bag and returned to your work that had made you so late for this mission. It's not like they really needed you anyway; you weren't a fighter, you were there for tactical support and intelligence acquisition. You had been studying with Bruce for a year before Ultron, and now that he hadn't returned yet, you had taken his place working with Tony. The unlimited access to the lab and everything in it gave you enough side projects to last a lifetime.

"You know what, I've changed my mind," Steve announced, dropping himself into the chair next to you, "let's have a talk now."

You quickly returned your tablet to your bag and turned to face him, giving him your full attention and a small smile, trying to stay on his good side, if you were even there now. "Sure, Captain. I'm all yours."

The immediate flush of red in your cheeks had to be painfully obvious; you'd had a crush on Steve since your first day, and you did a good job of avoiding him as much as possible when you didn't have to work together. Your whole body became hot from your overwhelming embarrassment and shyness. "I mean...I meant...I'm all ears. All. Ears."

"So tell me, (Y/N), what are you working on that has you so enthralled that you forget when our departure times are? We knew about this four days ago."

"It's nothing," you replied coyly, hoping that he wouldn't dig any further and just wanting this moment to be over.

He eyed you suspiciously, deciding what he would say next. Rather than pry and ask more questions that would likely have more vague answers, he reached down into your pack and removed your tablet, standing quickly and taking it to the front of the jet.

"Cap, don't!" you called after him, throwing off your harness and chasing after him. "Steve, give that back!" You leaned over the back of his chair, pushing yourself forward to reach so that your feet were now dangling off the ground, but still unable to get a hold of your work. "Steve, come on!" You were starting to panic when he wouldn't release it, but now you were terrified when you saw his expression change and his posture straighten as he read.

"(Y/N)," he said quietly but sternly, "what's this?"

"It's just a project. It's nothing."

"I don't believe this," he sighed, turning to face you. "Have you succeeded? Have you really replicated the serum?" Clint now turned to look at you as well, his mouth agape. "(Y/N), answer me."

You slid back and dropped onto your feet, rubbing your hand over your face in frustration of your exposed secret and the need to explain something that they likely wouldn't understand. "Well clearly not," you hissed, raising your arms up to show their lack of accentuated muscles. "Do you see any difference?" Ripping the tablet from his hands, you returned to your seat and continued to work.

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