Read This.

54 3 1

Thank youuuu 22kwrite and learyyy  for zee help 😄

And since you(22kwrite ) asked me if I would like to write a suicide story, and I said no. And then you told me to make it not depressing, and I agreed. SO HERE IT IS! 😂

And Learian thanks for the ideas! 😘
New chapter every day or so...

I know it's weird to write a suicide story and make it humorous. Oh, you thought this was depressing? Nope. Not at all. Well, maybe the ending will😏 But really, nobody will die because I love Axel too much.

And if you're wondering, yes, Axel is a boy and he wants to commit suicide. But for some reason, in all the 49 ways that he tries, he thinks of a way that makes his death traumatizing, as he calls it.

How can one person die? How can I finally end this?

It all started one morning when I got tired of living, nothing to do in life but to end it.

I have achieved so much, I'm an award winning swimmer and my grades are good. Nothing else to achieve, I guess.

So I have decided to write in this journal, thinking about how I should do it. Without traumatizing myself before I die.


So... Read on and explore Axel's world😆

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