Part three: His Dream

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Links PoV
Navi had been leading me through the town without a problem until now. Redeads were everywhere and I really cannot put into words how much I hate them. So when she started yelling I instantly thought "redead" and pulled out my sword. What I was NOT expecting was some girl to crash into me at full speed. But I guess thats better than a redead.
"I'm sorry!" She looked scared and dropped a bag, food rolled out on to the cobblestone path.  Oh goddesses I'm hungry.  She picked up the food quickly and looked up at me. Man were her eyes green, two different shades, strange. Snapped from thought by something being pushed into my bag.
"Take it."
The girl side stepped me and ran off. I watched her.  I'll remember those eyes.
"LINK! WATCH OUT!" Navi flew in front of me and the screech of a redead hit my ears.  And a dead cold arm grabbed me.
" SHIT!"
I'll remember those eyes.

(Hey hey!! Sense this is old I would still like some advice. There are more parts. I just have to majorly edit them. I wrote this one in chunks)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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