The Counsel and The Challenge

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Aragorn's POV
I woke up feeling refreshed. Although I still could not believe I had been traveling with a woman. At the most I would of just thought of her as an Elvish man with the way she fought so gracefully. 

She fought with what looked like decades of experiences, not even I could of mastered the things I had seen her do. 

What shocked me the most had been her name. Ithilwen Aranel. Moon Princess. Strange name for a human woman. Maybe she has Elvish ancestors?

I had decided to take a walk down to the training fields. As I was approaching I could see a large group of Elves. Upon getting closer I saw the four Hobbits I had traveled with, Arwen and Lord Elrond in the crowd. 

Walking over to Arwen I whispered in her ear "what is everyone so fascinated by?" 

She obviously had not been paying attention to her surroundings as my voice made her jump. 

Turning around she lightly punched me in the arm, "don't do that!" she whisper yelled. 

I smiled sheepishly and repeated my earlier question. "Ithilwen is fighting, so far she is taking on 6 of Ada's best warriors." I stared at her in disbelief and turned towards the duel. 

To my great surprise Ithilwen was indeed fighting six of the best warriors Rivendell had to offer. And she looked like she was only just starting to sweat. 

"Do you find it odd that her name is not only Elvish but also translates to Moon Princess?" I asked Arwen, not taking my eyes of the duel as Ithilwen roundhouse kicked one of the guards, sending him to the ground and out of the match. 

"It is rather strange, but not uncommon. We have human kin, humans who generations ago had Elven ancestors," she replied. 

"Yes but if what Gandalf said was true, Ithilwen isn't of this world." 

I believed my statement was the deal breaker until Arwen spoke, "maybe there are Elves in her world? We know nothing about her or them, though I find it odd, she looks so much like..." Arwen trailed off. 

Turning to her I voiced my question, "so much like who?" I asked. 

"My mother" she whispered sadly.

We dropped the conversation after that and after Ithilwen had defeated the other guards I had decided I wanted to duel her. "Are you ready for round two?" I asked as I approached her. She only looked slightly out of breath. 

I noticed on closer inspection she was wearing the same clothes she had left Bree wearing. "The question here Aragorn is, are you ready?" She replied sarcastically, smiling at me warmly. 

Chuckling at her question I drew my sword. Noticing when she didn't drew a weapon I figured she had none. 

Elrond sent one of his guards to fetch Ithilwen a sword and when he returned she smiled at the blade. 

To those around her it was as if she new the blade. She looked up and I saw her eyes were a bright shade of purple. "You ready old man?" She teased. Offended by her statement I waited for the go ahead from Elrond and charged. 

Challenge accepted.

Ithilwen's POV
Damn he was good. I had just finished fighting Aragorn. In the end it had been a tie. 

Arwen smiled as I approached her, "you fight as if you have had life times to learn, how old are you if you don't mind me asking?" 

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