The Mines of Moria and a second encounter

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3rd Person POV

The Fellowship made there way through Moria as fast as they could, The Hobbits and Ithilwen, were officially sick of stairs. Ithilwen swore loudly as she again slipped on the steep staircase. 

 Soft hands wrapped themselves around her waist and steadied her. Turning her head Ithilwen saw Legolas had been the one to offer her help. Giving him a small smile she thanked him and moved on. 

Had she looked back at that moment she would of seen Legolas with a look of confusion and Aragorn with an amused smirk on his lips, "told you, you would fall for her, sooner or later." 

 Legolas turned and glared at Aragorn pushing down the strange feeling he had gotten from holding Ithilwen and having her smile at him. 

 "Never going to happen, besides her and Boromir are closer than you think," he growled as he walked away. Aragorn looked on in confusion, Ithilwen had not shown any sign of liking Boromir, so what would give Legolas that idea?

Ithilwen's POV

We finally made it to flat surface and I was more than happy for it. When Legolas had caught me sparks had run throughout my body. There was no denying to myself that I had a crush on the stubborn Elf. 

 The thought made me frown. Legolas would never return the feelings, I see the way he looks at be. It either emotionless or in disgust. I bowed my head and blinked away the tears. No this crush would have to stay a crush. I could not act on these feelings. 

 Hardening my heart I looked up. I could see three separate paths. "I have no memory of this place" came Gandalf's frustrated voice. Walking to a rock I sat down and closed my eyes. 

 "Ithilwen?" came a small voice from beside me, looking to my left I smiled at Pippin. 

 "Yes my sweet Pippin, what can I do for you?" 

He looked at me shyly, "Can you tell us about your life?" I was taken aback by this, I had never been asked that question before. Looking down at his big brown eyes I gave in and nodded. 

 Everyone must of heard and seen our interaction because we were soon joined by everyone but Gandalf. Steadying my breathing I began my tale.

"When I was a few months old I was found in the park across from the orphanage where I was raised..." 

"Whats an orphanage?" Asked Sam. 

 "It is a place where babies and children who have no family go to live or be adopted and given a new home. The women who found me had told me that they had filed a report stating a baby had been found but no one made any claim to me, nor were there and report of a missing child. So the orphanage became my new home. I had to grow up watch the kids I was raised with get adopted, but I was always left behind..." 

"Why?" Asked Frodo quietly. 

"No one seemed to want a child like me. My looks were strange enough but the fact that I would talk to animals and plants as if they could understand freaked a lot of people out. The orphanage paid to put me through school. I had no friends but I loved to learn. When I graduated I joined the police force... I was a warrior" I added when I saw everyone's look of confusion, "I still had no friends but I was doing something I loved, I was protecting people." I smiled at this and continued.

"Anyway I eventually had enough money to pay back the orphanage for helping me and also buy an apartment... uh, very small house... I spent as much time as I could making that house a home..." 

"Ah! It's that way!"Gandalf's voice rang out making everyone jump slightly. 

"He has remembered!" Shouted Merry relieved. 

 "No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down there. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose!" I giggled and stood up, helping the Hobbits and Gimli to there feat. Everyone followed Gandalf down one passage way. 

"Ithilwen, darling is that you?" came a female voice from another passage. "Ithilwen, my sweet child I had missed you," the woman continued. I turned to the passage and followed it, wanting to know who this woman was and how she knew me.

Walking further into the dark passage I saw a faint glowing figure. She was facing the statue of a mighty dwarf. 

 "Ithilwen, why did you run away? Why did you leave?" She asked still facing the wall. I burrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 

 "I'm sorry but have we met?" She laughed. The sound made me freeze, I have heard that laugh before. 

 "Of course we have my dear," the woman's voice was suddenly deeper as she vanished and was replaced with a darker, much sinister figure. Sauron. My eyes widened in fear as I took a few steps back. 

 "That's not possible, you have no body," I whispered. The figure growled and stepped towards me. I backed up further until I came in contact with cold stone. 

 "Not yet, but I will, and when I do we can rule side by side," he growled as he ran a cold finger across my face. I shivered at the contact and turned my head to the side trying to put distance between us. 

The nightmare I had in Rivendell returned to the front of my mind and I shuttered. I gritted my teeth and turned to Sauron, "I will never rule by your side, I would never betray the fellowship like that!" I yelled. 

 He grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly, "they do not care for you," he growled. "The Elf is disgusted by you, Boromir wishes only for your body, Aragorn thinks you a burden but does not wish to tell you, Gandalf only see's evil within you , the dwarf could never consider you a friend and the Hobbits only need you to fix there mistakes. None of them care for you, none of them want you here," he growled as he squeezed harder. 

 I shook my head, not wanting to believe him but not seeing through the lie either. My eyes filled with tears and I looked at him, "I.WILL.NEVER.JOIN.YOU!" I screamed through gritted teeth. 

 Slowly the figure started to disappear but not before he let go, dragging his metal covered nails over Ithilwen's upper arm, causing deep wounds. "You'll never save them, they have barely survived on attack, they will not survive the next," Sauron growled as he vanished.

I gasped, the fellowship had been engaged in battle? I had abandoned them it a time of great need. Getting of the wall I wiped my eyes furiously, I had to find them. And I had to do it fast.

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