Alcohol and possession

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Aragorn's POV

Sitting in the great hall back at Rohan I half listen to the speech of Theoden King. My attention is on two of my companions.

Ithilwen and Legolas have completely ignored each other since we found her and the Hobbits at Isengard. I knew of Legolas' reasons, his guilt was overcoming him, clouding his better judgement. But why was Ithilwen acting so... terrified? Not just at Legolas, but all of us.

"He tortured her in one of the worst ways," came Gandalfs voice from behind me. "He played with her mind. Made her see things that have not and will never be true. He played on her worst fear and chose to look like the one she loves while doing it."

Turning to him I raised an eyebrow in confusion, Gandalf sighed and ushered me outside.

The cold air hit my face but my full attention was on the wizened wizard in front of me. "Saruman is good at mind tricks. He entered Ithilwen's mind, pretending to be Legolas. The Legolas in her mind told her how he had fallen for Eowyn. How he could never love somebody as worthless as Ithilwen. Than he played on her worst fear. He told her that he would bind himself to Eowyn while Ithilwen remained in that cell. Alone and unloved for eternity."

My eyes widened at the news. So that is why she was so different now. She only seemed to ever acknowledge Merry and Pippin now. Like they were her lifeline. But looking in her once fiery eyes you could see nothing. No life, no hope. Just empty space.

Why would she even believe his lies? Can she not tell how much Legolas cares for her? I mentally face palm. When we had found her she had immediately sought out Legolas. Looking back on it now I can remember a small trace of hope as her eyes settled on him. But when he did not acknowledge her that hope died.

"She believes in the lie now Aragorn. And I am afraid the damage may be irreversible." Gandalf's eyes were sad and showed the many years he had witnessed over the course of his long life. I need to do something! Anything to make her see the truth. But what? Time to think of a plan would have to wait for later as Gandalf and I rejoined the celebration.

Ithilwen's POV

I was sitting at a table with Gimli. Legolas was leaning against a column not far from us. "So it's a drinking game?" I heard him ask.

"Last one standing wins!" Gimli replies with a chuckle. A smile crosses my face. The first real smile I have had in days.

"May I join in?" I ask nervously. Gimli's smile widens as he nods. Two tankards are placed in front of us. Gimli wastes no time. Snatching the drink from the table he gulps it down.

Never one to back out of a challenge I follow shortly. Out the corner of my eye I see Legolas taking small unsure mouthfuls.

We drink for what seems like hours when Gimli lets out a loud fart. I wrinkle my nose but can't prevent the drunken laugh escaping my lips.

"Raaar it's the dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy women,' Gimli shouts downing another tankard.

"I feel something. A slight tingle in my fingers. I think it's affecting me."

"What did I say? He can't hold his liquor," Gimli replies before he passes out cold. I giggle at this and stand up. The world spins and my body feels like it is full of stones.

"I do not feel so well, I think I will take a walk." Stumbling towards the exit I see Eowyn offering Aragorn a goblet, she has a sweet smile on her face and I can see longing in her eyes.

Aragorn looks towards my stumbling figure and returns the Goblet to to Eowyn before approaching me. "You should not have drunken so much," he hisses. I pout at him as I leave the hall. Aragorn follows me closely.

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