Taeyeon? Digital single?SM Station?

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~ Everybody has logged in ~

XxCutiePotatoxX : B**ches from the sky ~

MaeboriJjong : That's not nice unnie

MCSoul2theG : If only I was graphic designer guy

RapqueenLE : Don't do buzzfeed related stuff

RosNi : Whatever it is, let's be happy someone started

MCSoul2theG : Speaking of Taeyeon

RapqueenLE : We weren't talking about Taeyeon

MCSoul2theG : she's gonna release a digital single

RosNi : What? A digital single?

MCSoul2theG : Why? Something wrong? It's called Rain

RosNi : just....

RapqueenLE :  She has a lot of fans, it won't flop

RosNi : Why not a second mini album?

MCSoul2theG : Money $$$

RosNi : that's not marketing strategy

RapqueenLE : It is. Since the first album was a success now a digital single will be released

MCSoul2theG : The song won't be promoted

RosNi : What?

MCSoul2theG : It's SM's Station project.They will release a digital single every week

RapqueenLE : Where did you get the info?

MCSoul2theG : Research!

XxCutiePotatoxX : Look who has a lot of time

MCSoul2theG : I am the queen of time

XxCutiePotatoxX : Yeah right...

MaeboriJjong : You are the queen of 90's

MCSoul2theG : What?

XxCutiePotatoxX : We all are Junghwa -ω-

MaeboriJjong : ...

RapqueenLE : Can we get back on SM station

MaeboriJjong : It's SM's project Station

RapqueenLE : It's just the same

XxCutiePotatoxX : LE always doing stuff like this *cough lazy *cough person *cough

MCSoul2theG : Do you need medicine Hyerin?

XxCutiePotatoxX : Nope

RapqueenLE : You should be sent to the hospital because that was an 'unusual cough'

XxCutiePotatoxX : How unusual?

RapqueenLE : As unusual as you have to go to the mental hospital

MaeboriJjong : But we are using the internet...

RapqueenLE : That's the point, mental hospital

MCSoul2theG : Who coughs on the internet

XxCutiePotatoxX : Me ~ω~

RapqueenLE : where's Hani?

RosNi : Present!

RapqueenLE : Jisoo's crisp, what are you doing?

RosNi : Just staying in the back

*Solji's phone rings*

MCSoul2theG : I got a message from the manager, we have to go to the building

XxCutiePotatoxX : All?

MCSoul2theG : Yes all

RapqueenLE : Let's go then

RosNi : Fine by me

~ Everyone has logged off ~

I wrote this because Taeyeon's Rain >ω<
I wuv the teasers N the title and everything about it

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