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*Imigie's POV*

It's time to walk into Raw for the first time with two titles, I thought excitedly as I was going to walk to my first match as Divas Champion and one half of the Mixed-tag team Champions.

My new theme song "Gangster's Paradise" from Like A Storm played loudly in the arena and the crowd cheered loudly for me all before I heard an announcer.

"The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Austin, Texas. She is the Divas Champion and one half of the WWE Mixed Tag Team Champions, Imigie!"

I feeling bold and proud but that didn't mean I wanted to take the overconfident step. I knew exactly where that would take me and I didn't want to go there.

My music stopped then tons of booing came on when I heard the Bella Twins theme song. I shook my head over the fact that they were on Total Divas.

As far as I was concerned, many of the fans were against Total Divas and I, playing the heelish face, knew exactly how I would play this.

Brie came inside of the ring as her music stopped then I handed the referee my titles before the match was on to start.


Brie gave me a smile but agony was clear on my eyes. I gave a swift kick to Brie.

"Come on Brie!" I heard Nikki shout.

"Shut up!" I screamed.

"Oh man! Imigie is bitter tonight."

"No Michael. She wants no part in Total Divas."

Brie tried to kick me but I clotheslined her down.

"The Divas Champion is on a roll!"

I kicked Brie down then pinned her for a two count.

I was about to take her for a powerbomb but Brie kneed me on the boobs.

I slowly got up when I saw she was already at the top rope.

"Brie Mode!"

She was about to go for a missile drop kick but I was quicker by catching her then gave her an Alabama Slam.

"How did she counter that? Oh my god!"

"When you're a champion, you are the smarter one."

"You mean double champion, Michael."

I was going to go for a neck breaker but Brie countered it to a Bella Buster.

"That's it! She's out!"

I somehow managed to kick out at two and a half.

Brie began shouting things that I didn't care to not listen to. It was probably pointless crap.

"For Total Divas!" Brie shouted.

"Don't even think about it!" I screamed. "For Searing Sorrow!"

The crowd cheered as I gave Brie clothesline after clothesline after clothesline.

"Imigie! Imigie! Imigie!"

The crowd was chanting my name as I smiled then stuck my tongue out briefly before I stood at a turnbuckle, ready for my ultimate finish.

Brie slowly stood up and was about to charge at me but I was faster as I charged at her with a devastating spear.

"Spear! Spear! Spear!"

"What a spear by the double champ!"

"Good night Brie Bella."

I looked at the audience and let out my battlecry.

"For Searing Sorrow!"

The crowd cheered as I positioned Brie for the scorpion crosslock, known as Searing Sorrow.

"Searing Sorrow! Searing Sorrow! Searing Sorrow! She's gonna make her tap!"

The crowd was still cheering loudly and I was proud of that. Brie Bella had no choice but to tap.

The crowd cheered even louder as my theme song blared in the arena.

"Here's your winner by submission, the Divas Champion and one half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions, Imigie!"

I smiled happily until I was interrupted by Nikki.

"Hey Imigie," Nikki said. "Have you checked out the new reality television series called Total Divas? I think you make a perfect member of the show, don't you think?"

Boos were loud and I gave Nikki a sarcastic smile.

"Nikki," I said dangerously. "My throne is Searing Sorrow and I am staying in my throne. You really think I would leave it for a stupid reality show?"

The crowd chanted no in response to what I had said. They knew I was far too valuable to be put in a dumb reality show I give zero craps about.

"Don't even ask for any replacements to take my throne," I continued. "While I'm Divas Champion and one half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions, I suggest you keep your mouths shut. And I'm gonna say one more thing. There is something rather unsettling about you and your sister. Just wait for when I'm ready to say it."

I dropped my microphone then walked out of the ring but then stopped at the middle of the ramp, my theme song playing again and the crowd cheered for me.

Now I knew that Cody Rhodes would be proud of me. I would be sure that he would watch me during his honeymoon. I suddenly had an idea for what to do for the Mixed Tag Team Championship belts not being defending situation.

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